What is the difference between DIM and SET? When to use DIM and when to use SET.

Questions by asad.test

Showing Answers 1 - 16 of 16 Answers


  • Sep 29th, 2008

Dim can be used to store a value in a variable.
For example: Dim a

Set can be used to store a object or child object from AUT
eg. set a=Browser(" ").Page(" ").childobject(obj)
obj is already described through descriptive programming & by using above script we can store child objects in a web page like webbutton, webradio button, web list, link etc.


  • Jan 19th, 2011

Dim is an identifier declaration statement.
SET is a Object Instantaiating statement.

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  • Dec 7th, 2016

Dim is used to introduce a variable and Set is used to assign value to that initiated variable.


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  • Jul 25th, 2017

Dim keyword is used to declare a variable, where as Set keyword used to declare object

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manoj kumar

  • Sep 23rd, 2019

Dim is used to declare the variable and Set is used to assign the value to variable.
Eg: Dim temp
Set temp=20

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