What is the difference between Call to Action and Copy Action.?

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Kalpana Naidu

  • Aug 4th, 2005

Call to Action : The changes made in Call to Action , will be reflected in the orginal action( from where the script is called).But where as in Copy Action , the changes made in the script ,will not effect the original script(Action)


  • Aug 5th, 2005

when u insert a call to action,they r read only in the calling test.It can be modified in the original test.where as come to copy action,you can make changes to the copied action,your changes will not effect the original action where it created.

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call to action: when u call a action it will call the action at runtime and closes when all the code or script  of calling action is executed, you cant see the code or a script in called action, If you want to made any changes in calling function you need to go for the source script, where calling action is stored, not possible to make changes in called action t in called action as below

call  "<actionname>" 

where as copy function :it copies the the code or script of a calling action in the called action, what ever changes u made will not be effect in the source.as mentioned in the above comments


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copy to action call to Action__________________________________________________________________________1.allows to copy any type of action calls only reusable actions(reusable/nonreusable)2.copies selected actions only copies selected action along with nested actions 3.allows modifications from user not allows modifications(these r external)4.not contains any relation with source script contains an internal link with source script5. modifications on source will not effect on modifications on source effectscopied actions

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  • May 2nd, 2007

Call to Action : Means inserting call to an existing action in action being created.In case called action changes the change will get reflected in the action from where it is being called.

Copy of Action : Means copy of some existing action is being called in the action being created.In case the called action changes the change will not be reflected in the action from where the copy of this action is being called since its not the original action but its copy.

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  • Jun 18th, 2007

What is the difference between Call to Action and Copy Action.?

Call to Copy:  by doing so u are creating local copy of the action
in your test script. Now you can modify this local copy of action.

Call to Existing Action: is just calling that action, u can't edit called

Call to New Action: In this u are creating new action in your test script.


Manish Bhatla

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  • Jul 10th, 2007

Call to Action : 

When you make a call to Action then any changes that you want to do must be done in the actual Action.

Copy Action :

When you copy an action then any changes you want can be done in the this copy only

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  • Sep 28th, 2007

When you talk about the difference, you have to consider lot of things

One, If you are working in a test that using Per-action repository then you cannot copy this to the test which is using Shared OR.
Two, If the test calling an action uses Per-action repository, the called action’s OR is read-only in the test calling the action. If the test calling an action uses a shared OR, the called action uses the same shared OR as the calling test.

you insert a call to existing action you cannot edit where as in call to copy action
you can.

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  • Nov 22nd, 2008

Actions are three types:
1. Non - Reusable : These Actions are used in the Test itself. We Can't use it outside the test.
2. Reusable : These are the reusable actions, we can use it outside of the test.
3. External : These are the reusable actions, which is used by outside tests.

By using "call to Copy of Action and call to Exist of Action" , we are accessing the Actions.

Call to Existing of Actions: Reusable actions are called, and it is in "read - only" mode. We Can't change the script.
Call to Copy of Actions : Reusable actions are called, and it is in "read - write" mode. We Can change or modify the script.

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