Which command in QTP Script used to capture real time values?

Which command in QTP Script used to capture real time values?

If QTP does not support third party web based application which is to be tested for GUI interface,what will be our next approach?

What are configuration management Techniques?

Difference between sanity testing and smoke testing? when will we use these testing?

Comparison between weights and checkpoints.

what is batch Testing?

What is the difference between object identification and Object Repository?

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Dec 29th, 2006

1)Which command in QTP Script used to capture real time values?

Ans) get visible text method is verrymuch usefull in capture real time values or to capture object text in to variabls text check point and text area check poin these methods are used in QTP.

If some objects are not recorded by QTP this type of problems we have to capture values forceblilly we can use object identification method is used

2) Difference between sanity testing and smoke testing? when will we use these testing?

Ans) sanity testing done in testing site and smoke test is done in davelopment site. The perpose of both tests are for verification of an application for completenes and correctness.

5)what is batch Testing?

Ans) Vatch testing is used for execution of saved test in sequence.

6) What is the difference between object identification and Object Repository?

Ans) object identification is a method used for identify the objects by QTP.

object repository is used by QTP and it stores the entries of a recorded aplication. Due to the impact of this entries the QTP will identify an object in the aplication.

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  • Apr 15th, 2007

We use GETROProperty to get real time values for objects, we can also use datatable values, or regular expressions depending on the scenario.

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  • Oct 7th, 2008

Sanity Testing means testing initially whether is is testable document or not

Smoke Testing means testing in own style

Checkpoint is a test point or a break point where it checks the Properties of the object or the button

Batch testing means testing batch wise by using test batch runner for this the Extension of the file is MTB

Object Identification means the Properties of the objects stored in QTP object repository how it is able to idenfiy the obejcts

Object Repository is a storage place for the QTP where the properties of the objects are stored

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