Requirements Traceability in Product Testing
What is the importance of requirements traceability in a product testing?
Tester Qualities
If you were hiring a tester, what qualities would you look for?
Test Manager
Does the Test Manager serve his manager or his test team? Discuss your rationale in your answer.
Project Verification
Who has the rights to do verification work in your project?
Verification Review
When do you review verification activity?
Version Control Tool
How will you use version control tool as a tester for example Visual source safe?
Exploratory Testing
Where does Exploratory Testing Fit? What are the Pros and Cons in Exploratory Testing?
Alpha and Beta testing.
Can any one briefly explain what is the difference between alpha testing and beta testing in terms of product and application?
Risk Project
How do we measure the given project is risk based project?
Non Understandable Requirement
A requirement is non understandable and is given for testing / to write Test Case. How you will pass this situation?
Prevent Defects
How will you prevent defects from a tester point of view?
Expansionism and Reductionism
How will you prove there is expansionism and reductionism in waterfall, V model and spiral model?
Integration testing
Who is resposible for integration testing?
Root Cause Analysis
Who will perform the root cause analysis in the testing team if the team has Test Lead, Test Manager and Team Members?
Testing Common Interview Questions