What is Bug Tracking Process, Reporting, Re-testing and Debugging?

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  • Aug 25th, 2005

Debugging the code,retesting

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  • Aug 26th, 2005

Reporting then Debugging, Re-Testing

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  • Sep 5th, 2005

yes first reporting,debugging and retesting

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  • Oct 5th, 2005

I would say, first re-testing, reporting and debugging. To make sure it is bug, we should first re-test it again then report and debug it again.

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swapna Wrote: yes first reporting,debugging and retesting

Correct bug tracking process - Reporting, Re-testi...

First step : Bug finding

Second Step : Bug Reporting

Third Step : Bug De-bugging(fixing)

Fourth Step : Re verification of the reported bug (Regression)

This is the process of Bug cycle


  • Jul 6th, 2007

This is nothing but the bug life cycle.

1. Finding the bug.( tester)
2. Reporting the bug.( tester)
3. Bug fixing.( developer)
4. Retesting.( Tester)
5. reopen/close.( tester)
i) if the bug is open again the tester sends the bug to the developer by keeping the bug status as "reopen".
ii) else close.


  • Jul 31st, 2007

Bug Tracking process:
            Bug Tracking Process involves with the the no. of bugs posted for each build, out of how many are fixed based on priority and seviorities. and for each and every build how many bugs are re-opened, newly posted, and how many of them are invlaid bugs, sevior bugs, are they fixed on time or not.. is any duscussion required on not on any Bug status.. etc..

Bug Reporting:
       It's nothing but communicating the bugs to the developer and making them fixed

      Re-execution of test cases on same application build with different inputs or test data
I am providing a small difference between Re-Testing and Regression Testing to understand clearly.

Re-testing is to ensure the bug has been fixed not Where as Regression tesing is to ensure the fixed bug hasn't effected the existing functionality.

Debugging is developer's activity.. where to trace each and every step of the code to find the cause of bug to fix it

Please, currect me if I am wrong any where  


  • Aug 15th, 2007

I guess the sequence is Bug Reporting, Debugging the exac cause of the bug and fixing it & then Retesting it .

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  • Jul 14th, 2008

         If we are finding a bug, first we should report that bug in any bug reporting tool,eg: QC(Quality Center) siting the description, priority,severity. We should map that bug with the specified step of a specified test case where u found it. so that it will be easy to track the bug. You should also give the steps to reproduce the bug. The status should be Open. You should assign the bug to a particular developer.

         After reporting the bug, we should be able to track that bug. for that we can use the status of the bug, raised by, assigned to feilds.

         Actually debugging should be done by the developer. After debugging the developer will change the status of the bug as fixed.

         After debugging the tester should retest that bug whether it is actually fixed or not. If it is fixed change the status as Test verified first, and then as closed. If it is not fixed and some problem still persists ,change the status as Re-opened.


  • Jul 16th, 2008

Bug Tracking Process
This is the process to track the bugs from the time found to get fixed by the developer.
Generally testers find bug and will be sent to development team to fix it. During bug fixing, the bug status varies from New, Open, fixed, Closed, Deferred, Reopen etc.,
Once the bug has been found, it has to be posted immediately in bug report with required information to reproduce it in development side. Reporting is telling your counterpart that this is the way you can reproduce it in your system. You can include screenshots along with bug report to understand easily.
Once the bug has been fixed, testers have to retest to check whethere the bug has been fixed properly or not. If it hasn't been we should send back to development team else change the status to CLOSED.
The development will do debugging to trace out where the error is occured.

BUG TRACKING PROCESS:  This is a process used to manage defects from the time testers discover them to the time they are fixed by developers.  When testers discover defects they open bug reports and the status of these reports are set to 'New'.  These defects are generally reviewed by the Project Manager and representatives from development and test and are set to 'Open,' 'Duplicate' 'Won't Fix' or 'Postponed'.  After the developer handles the defect, they set the status to "Fixed, 'Duplicate,' 'Not Repro' or Won't Fix'.  The defect is ultimately sent back to the tester for closure.  If the tester doesn't agree with the previous assessment or discovers that the defect is still not fixed, the tester sets the status of the defect to 'Open' or 'Reopen' and provides compelling reasons why this defect requires further attention. 

REPORTING:  When a defect is discovered, the tester authors a bug report which includes all of the information required for the developer to fix it.  This report typically includes 1) a brief, descriptive title, 2) the environment the defect was found, 3) the test steps used to discover the defect, 4) the expected result, 5) the actual result, 6) screenshots, logs, and other supporting materials.

RE-TESTING:  Re-test occurs after the defect is fixed and sent back to the tester.  During this stage, the tester runs through the precise test steps that were used to discover the defect, and does so in the same environment the defect was found, to verify that the defect has been fixed.  If the defect still exists, then the tester sets the status of the defect to 'Open' or 'Reopen".  If the defect has been fixed, then the tester sets the status to 'Closed'.

DEBUGGING:  This is the developer's responsibility.  Developers perform debugging in order to identify the source of defects within their sourcecode.

This represents The Bug Life Cycle, but not in its proper order.  Here is a very high level view of each phase in proper order:

1) Finding the bug
2) Reporting the bug     <- Reporting
3) Evaluating the bug
4) Fixing the bug           <- Debugging
5) Re-testing the bug    <- Re-testing
6) Closing the bug

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