Risk Project

How do we measure the given project is risk based project?

Questions by everendin

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Risk Project can be measured using diff prospectus.

For Example, my project is a product and it has several clients, all the clients are used the same pages. So let us assume a change request is came from one client, now that should applicable only for requested client not to remaining clients, so we need to retest all the remaining clients and need to take care. If at all any small issue missed client will fired.

1. Depends on client motivation
2. Depends on office atmospheare and colegues ( this is so imp)
3. Depends on time given for testing
4. Depends on proper documentatin

 So like this we can measure the project is risk or not.


When we say that their is a risk we want to say that something may go bad or something unwanted might occur in future. When we say that something might occur, we are talking about the probability of the occurrance of the event. The events might occur or might not occur. Here the damage, something unwanted or the events determining the probability involve non-fulfilment of requirements, failure of some functionality or delay in the delivery of the product.Here we are trying to find which components or tasks might cause issue, in advance so that we can avoid them.This is called risk identification.The event that can have more impact is said to have more risk. Depending upon the risk the tasks can be prioritized.

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  • Jun 3rd, 2009

Risk can be found based on many factors, some of the common factors are

1. Amount of testing work to be done X time remaining
2. No.of. important open bugs
3. Areas untested X time remaining (change in requirements/scope of AUT/functionality comes under this category)
4. Anticipation of high priority/severity bugs exisiting in system (concluded by tester based on historical data)
5.Anticipated regression bugs


  • Nov 25th, 2010

We can consider the project is a risk based project based on the following factors. 

  • If the Design Documents are not prepared in time.
  • If there is a continuous change in the Requirements.
  • If the Requirements to be tested are huge with less resources and time available.

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