Co-existence Testing

What is co-existence testing? Why do we do it? What would be the passing criteria for a successful co-existence? Any sample application where you feel we require this kind of testing?

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  • Member Since Nov-2008 | Feb 11th, 2009

Coexistence testing involves the working of application, on different hardware & software configurations. It checks the performance of the application with different combinations of different types of resources.

Compatibility testing checks if the two systems or two different resources are able to exchange the information successfully when an application is implemented or installed. This testing is usually performed when an already existing program is replaced with a new application.

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers


  • Jan 29th, 2009

When you want to make sure your website works across a range of browsers and other browsing devices or on the range of different o/s version then we need co-existence testing service.

Coexistence testing involves the working of application, on different hardware & software configurations. It checks the performance of the application with different combinations of different types of resources.

Compatibility testing checks if the two systems or two different resources are able to exchange the information successfully when an application is implemented or installed. This testing is usually performed when an already existing program is replaced with a new application.


  • Jun 3rd, 2009

When already a larger software is running and our AUT is new, then we need to test whether our AUT works under the larger system (this is only one of the scenarios)

For e.g

Assume we are having Microsoft office 2000 suit already installed and running (which contains Excel,Word,Powerpoint,Access,OneNote,Money etc.)

Suppose MS-WORD 2007 is the AUT (application under test) then we need to check whether MS-WORD 2007 is co-existing with already running MS-OFFICE 2000.

Coexistence testing seeks to identify issues when an application works alongside or interacts with other target software on the same machine.  Coexistence testing answers questions such as:

1) Will application ABC work alongside application XYZ?

2) Can application ABC successfully interact with application DEF?
3) If application ABC fails, will this cause application XYZ and/or DEF to fail as well?


  • Jan 21st, 2015

Do we have any specific tools to perform the co existance testing or a functional automation tool can automate these activities ?
Please help.

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