Windows 2000 Security Features
What are the security features in Windows 2000 OS?
How to access data from other O.S
How can we access data from other operating system while login to another operating system? is it possible? plz help me.
.log File
What is the use of (.log) file. Where it is used?
Memory Mapped Input / Output
What is the difference between memory mapped i/o and i/o mapped i/o?
PC Refresh
When a user is refresh his PC then what process does the system go?
OOP in Software Development
Describe how OOP is used in software development
Difference between FAT and NTFS
What is the difference between FAT and NTFS?
Windows Scheduling
What type of scheduling is used in windows?
Root content of XP OS
What is the root content of XP OS?
Nero 7 CD copying error in windows XP SP2
Hi,I've a problem in nero 7! I was trying to copy datas in a DVD!While I was trying to select the datas to be copied, I got the following error."This action cannot be completed because the other program is busy. Choose 'Switch To' to activate the program and correct the problem".There i was able to view 3 tabs namely Switch To & Retry were the tabs enabled & Cancel tab was disabled.When I press the...
System is slow
I am working on Windows XP Professional. My system is slow, means when I open any application it takes much time to open. Why?
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