Installation of OS for more than one machine
By using image tool only we are able to install the OS for multiple machines. Is there any other options available to install the OS for multiple machines at a same time??
Memory Management
A computer has 3GB of RAM of which the OS occupies 512MB. The processes are all 64 MB (for simplicity) and have the same characteristics. If the goal is 99%CPU utilization, what is the maximum I/O wait that can be tolerated?
Typical user defined signal handler functions perform actions such as
A) abort process immediately without further ado
B) Perform minor house keeping prior to resumption
C) Roll back process state to last checkpoint
D) Tidy up to process abortion
A) 1&2 B) 2 & 4 C) 3 D) 4 -
HP-UX and AIX in scripting level
Is there any differences between HP-UX and AIX in scripting level. Any suggestions?
Windows Entp. Server 2008
In win server 2008, 25 computers connected to your domain, how can I see which user is logging & logout details or how many users are active, or I created one OU, how many members are logging, or logout, I want to give daily report.
Print I/O and Disk I/O
Describe the advantages of having a seperate queue for Print I/O and for Disk I/O?
UNIX Console
Where we can run two programs in unix console at the same time?
Burst Time
How to find the burst time of the process?
Virtual Memory
Now-a-days we can use more than 4 GB as RAM in windows, then we go for virtual memory?
User State Migration Tool
How to use USMT in Windows Server 2003?
Microprocessor Events Sequence
A microprocessor can execute simple machine level instructions. For example: LDA 100 means load the accumulator with the contents of storage location 100. Show the sequence of events when a microprocessor carries out this instruction
Portable UNIX
Why is UNIX more portable than other operating systems?
Multiple Users
How to create the multiple users in Solaris 10 OS?
How will you find the file in UNIX if you dont know the file name or Extensions using GREP?
How to configure RAID controller
How to configure RAID controller in Windows server 2003 standard edtion?
What is DCL?
Service Pack and Patches
What is the differences between service pack and patches?
OS Interview Questions
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