Joiner Transformation Cache
What are the caches available in Joiner transformation?What is stored in Joiner cache(data cache) and Index cache?
How three column in one table concatenated in Informatica?
How three column in one table concatenated in Informatica?When i am giving SAL || COMM || DEPTNO in exp it's failed to read during testing.By giving (CONCAT(CONCAT(SAL,COMM),DEPTNO)) i am also getting error during testing.
Adding Values to a Column
How to add values to a column present in target file which column is not present in source file?
Mapplet Transformations
What are the transformations not used in mapplet and why?
Load the remaining rows
Suppose there are 100,000 rows in the source and 20,000 rows are loaded to target. Now in between if the session stops after loading 20,000 rows how will you load the remaining rows?
Routing Transformation
Hi, I am new to Informatica just trying to do some mappings. I tried to do SCD type 1. after loading source tables I used expression transformation to do some formatting and then I used Router Transformation. But when I tried to post all fields from expression to router they are by default becoming only input variables . I am unable to link these variables to an Update Strategy. What to do now???...
What is tracing level and what are the types of tracing level?
Tracing level represents the amount of information that informatcia server writes in a log file. Types of tracing level Normal Verbose Verbose init Verbose data
What are the types of data that passes between informatica server and stored procedure?
3 types of data Input/Out put parameters Return Values Status code.
What r the data movement modes in informatcia?
Datamovement modes determines how informatcia server handles the charector data.U choose the datamovement in the informatica server configuration settings.Two types of datamovement modes avialable in informatica. ASCII mode Uni code mode.
In which circumstances that informatica server creates Reject files?
When it encounters the DD_Reject in update strategy transformation. Violates database constraint Filed in the rows was truncated or overflowed.
What r the designer tools for creating tranformations?
Mapping designer Tansformation developer Mapplet designer
How many ways you can update a relational source definition ?
Two ways 1. Edit the definition 2. Reimport the defintion
Turn Off Version
What happens if you turn off version?
Informatica Interview Questions