In your mapping using sequence generator transformation, the limitation of the transformation is it generates key values only around 2 million. If it is more than 3 million records are there in your source, how will you generate key values and load into target.

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers


  • Aug 3rd, 2007


What you can do here is instead of using sequence generator have a unconnected lookup on target table and take the maximum value of the column populated by sequence generator and increment it by one during each run. Create the expression in such way that it will call only once the unconnected lookup to get the maximum value so that performance will not degrade. If you need more detail let me know.

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  • Sep 14th, 2007

How can unconnected lookup on target do the trick.
What transformation to use after lookup. I mean you will call it in expression transformation. But do we have to take one more sequence generator after expression transformation?
Please explain in detail.

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  • Nov 27th, 2007

If the maximum value of a seq.gen is a constraint then simply you can use the oracle sequence instead. You can use this seq to generate the numbers in a Stored procedure or by trigger.

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Now we dont have that problem, now sequence generator trans is have some around 18 digit number, so the problem is solved.

if it extends more than that, go for stored procedure.


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