Partitions in Informatica

Can anyone explain all the 4 partitions in Informatica and on which table what partition is used?2.Suppose we have 4 columns in a table primary key, 2 string columns and a numeric column? While doing a group by aggregation. what is the order that we have to group by?Thanks,Arpita.

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  • Mar 31st, 2006


This Tuning is some what typical based on your requirement.

Partitioning the data is not first level.. Inorder to improve performance partioning is not only the soln... In your scenario... First upall usage of Sorted out put is important and then setting the cache is next nest.. then whether to use incremental aggragation is necessary or not u need to check...

for this aggregation it self we can have some nealry 10 check points to do tuining.

Partion is only one among them...

U can chek Informatica pdf for partiioning methods..

Other wise write a mail to me specifying ur problem or scenario....




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  • May 29th, 2006


Can you please mail me the Powercenter 6 pdf. The doc which contains the information regarding various transformation.


V. Hari

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  • Apr 15th, 2007

Hi Hari,,

As per my knowledge data partition are like as

1. Round Robin
2. Pass-through
3. Hash key
4. Key range


  • Oct 20th, 2010

You can define following partition types in workflow manager.

1) Database Partitioning
The Integration Service queries the IBM DB2 or Oracle system for table partition information. It reads partitioned data from the corresponding nodes in the database. Use database partitioning with Oracle or IBM DB2 source instances on a multi-node tablespace. Use database partitioning with DB2 targets

2) Hash Partitioning
Use hash partitioning when you want the Integration Service to distribute rows to the partitions by group. For example, you need to sort items by item ID, but you do not know how many items have a particular ID number

3) Key Range
You specify one or more ports to form a compound partition key. The Integration Service passes data to each partition depending on the ranges you specify for each port. Use key range partitioning where the sources or targets in the pipeline are partitioned by key range.

4) Pass-through
The Integration Service passes all rows at one partition point to the next partition point without redistributing them. Choose pass-through partitioning where you want to create an additional pipeline stage to improve performance, but do not want to change the distribution of data across partitions

5) Round-Robin
The Integration Service distributes data evenly among all partitions. Use round-robin partitioning where you want each partition to process approximately the same number of rows.

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  • Jul 19th, 2023

Database partitioning. The PowerCenter Integration Service queries the IBM DB2 or Oracle system for table partition information. It reads partitioned data from the corresponding nodes in the database. Use database partitioning with Oracle or IBM DB2 source instances on a multi-node tablespace. Use database partitioning with DB2 targets.
Hash partitioning. Use hash partitioning when you want the PowerCenter Integration Service to distribute rows to the partitions by group. For example, you need to sort items by item ID, but you do not know how many items have a particular ID number.
You can use the following types of hash partitioning:
Hash auto-keys. The PowerCenter Integration Service uses all grouped or sorted ports as a compound partition key. You may need to use hash auto-keys partitioning at Rank, Sorter, and unsorted Aggregator transformations.
Hash user keys. The PowerCenter Integration Service uses a hash function to group rows of data among partitions. You define the number of ports to generate the partition key.
Key range. You specify one or more ports to form a compound partition key. The PowerCenter Integration Service passes data to each partition depending on the ranges you specify for each port. Use key range partitioning where the sources or targets in the pipeline are partitioned by key range.
Pass-through. The PowerCenter Integration Service passes all rows at one partition point to the next partition point without redistributing them. Choose pass-through partitioning where you want to create an additional pipeline stage to improve performance, but do not want to change the distribution of data across partitions.
Round-robin. The PowerCenter Integration Service distributes blocks of data to one or more partitions. Use round-robin partitioning so that each partition processes rows based on the number and size of the blocks.

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