Extracting from Rows
To further this, it is probably simple, but :
TABLENAME(Column) CLOB(Column)
HEADER(first row) PROVIDER12082015
TRAILER(last row) 00000000669
If I have three columns created in the transformer (HeadName, HeadDate, RecCount), how would I put this in the derivations?
HeadName is supposed to be equal to PROVIDER
HeadDate... -
Cumulative Sum Calculation
Solve with steps in datastage
employee_id, salary
10, 1000
20, 2000
30, 3000
40, 5000
Display as
employee_id, salary, cumulative_sum
10, 1000, 1000
20, 2000, 3000
30, ... -
Convert multiple rows into columns in datastage
i have sourse like
want output like
thanks in advance..
Filter Out Errors
I am getting a file in and I want to be sure that it has specific traits. The first record must say HEADER, the second record must say PROVIDER, the last record must say TRAILER, Record Count must equal TRAILER count (HEADER - TRAILER = Record Count; TRAILER COLUMN has number of Records)
Validation and Row Counts
I need help validating rows. 1st. I have a sequential file that has 139 rows, 2 columns (TABLENAME, CLOB). Of those rows, two (in TABLENAME column) are named "HEADER" and "TRAILER". I do not want these in my output. How do I keep the 137 rows and cut off the HEADER & TRAILER. 2nd. In the TRAILER row (TABLENAME column), there is a number that reads 00000000137 (in the CLOB column), which is the 137...
Splitting a Large Job DataStage into Smaller Jobs
What is the process to split the large datastage job into smaller jobs?
Filter and External Filter stages
What is the difference between Filter and External Filter stages?
Sequencers in Autosys
There is a sequencer 1 scheduled at 12:30 that contains 2 jobs. After sequencer 1 finishes sequencer 2 will execute that again contains 2 jobs. Now if one of the jobs on sequencer 1 fails, then sequencer 2 will not execute. Sequencer 1 should exactly start at 12:30 AM every day. Write the jil script for these sequencers.
Reverse Pivoting
I have two columns of data
My input data
Field Name Value
Customer_ID 100
Customer_Name ABC
Customer_City Kolkata
Customer_ID 200
Customer_Name BCD
CUstomer_City Mumbai
Customer_ID 300
Customer_Name CDE
Customer_City Delhi
Output date should be
Customer_ID Customer_Name Customer_City
100 ... -
Display previous row salary in the current row Display next row salary in the current row
Solve with steps
employee_id, salary
10, 1000
20, 2000
30, 3000
40, 5000
output for (previous row salary in the current row) as below
employee_id, salary, pre_row_salary
10, 1000, Null
20,... -
Display the Rank in asending & descending order for salary column
Can anybody solve this interview question in DataStage?
My input is:
1 A 100
2 A 4000
3 A 400
4 B 500
5 B 150
6 B 700
I need extra column "Rank" in the output is:
Remove Duplicate Stage
Is it possible to find out the maximum salary by using remove duplicate stage? Can you any one explain?
Thanks in advance -
Convert multiple rows into single row
i have sourse like
want output like.....
thanks in advance... -
Job sequencing
I have 3 jobs A,B & C, which are dependent each other, I want to run A & C jobs daily and B job run only on Sunday. How can I do it?
Lookup and Join
Why lookup is heavy weight and join is light weight operator?
Flatfiles(.txt,.csv,xml) to laod sequential files?
How can we load three different flat files(1 file .txt,2 file .csv,3 file xml) to sequential file at a time?
DataStage Technical Questions
1. Is the Hash file is active or passive? If we take as source ?2. can u take seq file as look up?3. In hash file dynamic 30, there r two types:1)genaric2)specific what is the meaning?4. how to connect MERGE STAGE while source as two tables?5. what is the purpose of MERGE?6. how can DS job scheduled in Unix?7. how do u know how many rows rejected?8. use of universe stage?9. what is SEQ file buffer?10. diff...
DataStage Interview Questions