Distribution of Number of rows equally.
Hi all,
I have 100 rows in a table and want to distribute the data by 4 equal parts and write to four sequential file. here the source data keeps changing. Example : if source data is having 1000 rows the target files have to get 250 rows each in the four files.
1000/4 = 250 each
100/4 =25 each -
Single column with multiple rows should be converted into single row with commas in datastage
Can any one help....
I have single column in Source like.....
want target as.....
thanks in advance
What is the architecture of your Datastage project
I came across this question many times in interview, In specific what can i answer..... Please help..
Scenario in datastage
input is
this should be populated at the output as
2 2
3 3 3 -
Datastage scenario - Flat file
Source is a flat file and has 200 records . These have to split across 4 outputs equally . 50 records in each .
The total number of records in the source may vary everyday ,according to the count records are to split equally at 4 outputs.
Could someone post an answer for this question.
Thanks -
How is Cartesian join performed using a join stage?
I have
reference 10
can someone tell me how a cartesian join performed using a join stage in datastage.
Sravanthi -
Split Data From Flat File
How do you split the data from a flat file in to columns?
Sequential File Stage
Explain some scenarios where a sequential file stage runs in parallel?
Datastage scenario - two columns in the source
I have two columns in the source , COl A and Col B .
Input is like
Cola Colb
I should achieve the output as
Cola Colb
100 A
100 B
100 C
100 D
100 E
100 F
Note : Colb is not of fixed length .
How to convert varchar to date ?
i have one source file which contains the below data
input column: DOB varchar(8)
validate the Date if valid date else pass the default-1999-12-31,convert varchar to date -
Data Granularity
What is data granularity? Explain.
Copy Stage in Processing
Having single input in the source wants the repetition of the input in the column of the target using only copy stage.
What are the Datastage native operators
What are the Datastage native operators??
Could you brief this please -
What is the use of node in data stage ?
If we increase the nodes wt will happens?
What is range look up and how it is used in datastage.
Say I have 5 rows in a source table and for each rows 10 rows matching in a lookup table and my range is for lookup is 9 to 99. what will be the row count in output table?
Design a job
I have table(Emp) with the columns Eid,Ename,Sal,month(sal),year(sal) and DOB (say 15th-Jan-1981).
Design a job such that the output displays Ename,year(sal),tot(sal) and current age i.e. For Ex: 18 yrs -
Source file and 3 output tables records problem
Suppose i am having a source file and 3 output tables and I want first row to be written to first table second row to second table, third row to third table likewise how can we achieve this using datastage without using partitioning?
How to identify updated records in datastage.
How can we identify updated records in datastage? Only updated records without having any row-id and date column available.
What is slowly changing dimension(SCD)
what is slowly changing dimension(SCD)? How do we rectify it in datastage.
DataStage Interview Questions