Functionality of Link Partitioner and Link Collector?
Link Partitioner : It actually splits data into various partitions or data flows using various partition methods . Link Collector : It collects the data coming from partitions, merges it into a single data flow and loads to target.
Containers : Usage and Types?
Container is a collection of stages used for the purpose of Reusability. There are 2 types of Containers. a) Local Container: Job Specific b) Shared Container: Used in any job within a project.
Did you work in UNIX environment?
Yes. One of the most important requirements.
Tell me the environment in your last projects">
Tell me the environment in your last projects
Give the OS of the Server and the OS of the Client of your recent most project
Scenario based Question ........... Suppose that 4 job control by the sequencer like (job 1, job 2, job 3, job 4 )if job 1 have 10,000 row ,after run the job only 5000 data has been loaded in target table remaining are not loaded and your job going to be aborted then.. How can short out the problem.
Suppose job sequencer synchronies or control 4 job but job 1 have problem, in this condition should go director and check it what type of problem showing either data type problem, warning massage, job fail or job aborted, If job fail means data type problem or missing column action .So u should go Run window ->Click-> Tracing->Performance or In your target table ->general -> action-> select this option...
What are types of Hashed File?
Hashed File is classified broadly into 2 types. a) Static - Sub divided into 17 types based on Primary Key Pattern. b) Dynamic - sub divided into 2 types i) Generic ii) Specific. Default Hased file is "Dynamic - Type Random 30 D"
Have you ever involved in updating the DS versions like DS 5.X, if so tell us some the steps you have taken in doing so?
Yes. The following are some of the steps; I have taken in doing so:1) Definitely take a back up of the whole project(s) by exporting the project as a .dsx file2) See that you are using the same parent folder for the new version also for your old jobs using the hard-coded file path to work.3) After installing the new version import the old project(s) and you have to compile them all again. You can use...
DataStage Interview Questions