DataStage Technical Questions
1. Is the Hash file is active or passive? If we take as source ?
2. can u take seq file as look up?
3. In hash file dynamic 30, there r two types:1)genaric2)specific what is the meaning?
4. how to connect MERGE STAGE while source as two tables?
5. what is the purpose of MERGE?
6. how can DS job scheduled in Unix?
7. how do u know how many rows rejected?
8. use of universe stage?
9. what is SEQ file buffer?
10. diff between DS routine, DS transform, DS function in transform stage?
11. if one table contain 100 rows, another one is 1000.which one we take as lookup?
12. if a file has 100 records. After 70 records job is abort? How to load reaming?
13. shared Containers replace server jobs into parallel job?
14. is possible to extract xl sheet by using SEQ file?
15. how do u decide when go for join or lookup?
16. diff between hash & range & entire Partion keys ?
17. in lookup stage in parallel which Partion key u select?
18. what is routine?
19. where the hash file store, if I take hash is target?
20. def of system variables? Where we use it? What are system variables in Ur project?
21. what are plug-ins?
22. what is the purpose of fact less fact table?
23. if source is OCI& flat files then why u need ODBC in u r project rather than OCI?
24. Can we take SEQ file as source to Hash file , it’s work or not? if not what error it will give?
25. can we use AGG& Transform stage use for sorting ?How ?
26. how do u do automation job?
27. how can we join one oracle & flat files ?
28. if there is one million records. We use OCI or some another stage?
29. what is purpose of filter option in SEQ file in server jobs ?
30. how to filter data by using SEQ ?
31. diff between clear log file& clear stage file?
32. I want to process 3 files in sequentially at a time how can we do in job sequence?
33. what is version control in data stage?
34. how to release job?
35. diff between parallel jobs and parallel shared containers?
36. how to give scheduling time?
37. In job sequence I have 5 jobs? I want to run 1 & 4 only. Reaming I run later? how can u do that?
38. diff between lookup file set &file set?
39. data migration?
40. I have 1000 records? How to load last 100 records?
41. how to cleansing u r data stage job?
42. where we write the routines?
43. how to execute job sequence?
44. I am using oracle database? But I am not using OCI stage ? with out OCI or ODBC HOW CAN I EXTRACT THE DATA?
45. I have 4 jobs, is it run at a time? Is it possible? What is status?
46. is it aborted why? Is it validate why?
47. what is environmental variables? Where is it stores?
48. how to connect DB source? i.e path?
49. diff between server sequence stage& parallel sequence stage?
50. diff between dataset & SEQ file in parallel?
51. diff between change apply& change capture stage?
52. diff copy, difference, transform stage?
53. diff funnel , filter , external filter in parallel?
54. diff between file set, dataset ,lookup file set , SEQ file?
55. diff between hash& SEQ file in server?
56. diff between static& dynamic types in hash file?
57. diff between server SEQ & parallel SEQ files?
58. what is buildup and audit stages? What is the purpose of it?
59. how to find multiple jobs process id’s with out using cleanup resources in DS director?
60. where we find the process id’s from last 5 execution jobs?
61. how many format types to export data by using DS manager?
62. can u convert server jobs into parallel jobs?
63. how to set configure file node, if I have million records?
64. I have two types of metadata in SEQ file. Is it possible to load target?
65. diff between hash & dataset?
66. I have two files. One file contains 1,00,000 records and another one contains 1000 records.
Then how will we set nodes?
67. In oracle enterprise edition , when we select Upsert mode?
68. diff between server seq file & parallel seq file?
69. diff between server transform stage & parallel transform stage?
70. in OCI stage when we go for insert update OR update insert?
Questions by mohanreddy
Showing Answers 1 - 30 of 30 Answers
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DataStage Technical Questions
1. Is the Hash file is active or passive? If we take as source ?
2. can u take seq file as look up?
3. In hash file dynamic 30, there r two types:1)genaric2)specific what is the meaning?
4. how to connect MERGE STAGE while source as two tables?
5. what is the purpose of MERGE?
6. how can DS job scheduled in Unix?
7. how do u know how many rows rejected?
8. use of universe stage?
9. what is SEQ file buffer?
10. diff between DS routine, DS transform, DS function in transform stage?
11. if one table contain 100 rows, another one is 1000.which one we take as lookup?
12. if a file has 100 records. After 70 records job is abort? How to load reaming?
13. shared Containers replace server jobs into parallel job?
14. is possible to extract xl sheet by using SEQ file?
15. how do u decide when go for join or lookup?
16. diff between hash & range & entire Partion keys ?
17. in lookup stage in parallel which Partion key u select?
18. what is routine?
19. where the hash file store, if I take hash is target?
20. def of system variables? Where we use it? What are system variables in Ur project?
21. what are plug-ins?
22. what is the purpose of fact less fact table?
23. if source is OCI& flat files then why u need ODBC in u r project rather than OCI?
24. Can we take SEQ file as source to Hash file , it’s work or not? if not what error it will give?
25. can we use AGG& Transform stage use for sorting ?How ?
26. how do u do automation job?
27. how can we join one oracle & flat files ?
28. if there is one million records. We use OCI or some another stage?
29. what is purpose of filter option in SEQ file in server jobs ?
30. how to filter data by using SEQ ?
31. diff between clear log file& clear stage file?
32. I want to process 3 files in sequentially at a time how can we do in job sequence?
33. what is version control in data stage?
34. how to release job?
35. diff between parallel jobs and parallel shared containers?
36. how to give scheduling time?
37. In job sequence I have 5 jobs? I want to run 1 & 4 only. Reaming I run later? how can u do that?
38. diff between lookup file set &file set?
39. data migration?
40. I have 1000 records? How to load last 100 records?
41. how to cleansing u r data stage job?
42. where we write the routines?
43. how to execute job sequence?
44. I am using oracle database? But I am not using OCI stage ? with out OCI or ODBC HOW CAN I EXTRACT THE DATA?
45. I have 4 jobs, is it run at a time? Is it possible? What is status?
46. is it aborted why? Is it validate why?
47. what is environmental variables? Where is it stores?
48. how to connect DB source? i.e path?
49. diff between server sequence stage& parallel sequence stage?
50. diff between dataset & SEQ file in parallel?
51. diff between change apply& change capture stage?
52. diff copy, difference, transform stage?
53. diff funnel , filter , external filter in parallel?
54. diff between file set, dataset ,lookup file set , SEQ file?
55. diff between hash& SEQ file in server?
56. diff between static& dynamic types in hash file?
57. diff between server SEQ & parallel SEQ files?
58. what is buildup and audit stages? What is the purpose of it?
59. how to find multiple jobs process id’s with out using cleanup resources in DS director?
60. where we find the process id’s from last 5 execution jobs?
61. how many format types to export data by using DS manager?
62. can u convert server jobs into parallel jobs?
63. how to set configure file node, if I have million records?
64. I have two types of metadata in SEQ file. Is it possible to load target?
65. diff between hash & dataset?
66. I have two files. One file contains 1,00,000 records and another one contains 1000 records.
Then how will we set nodes?
67. In oracle enterprise edition , when we select Upsert mode?
68. diff between server seq file & parallel seq file?
69. diff between server transform stage & parallel transform stage?
70. in OCI stage when we go for insert update OR update insert?
Questions by mohanreddy
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