What is the difference between Symetrically parallel processing,Massively parallel processing?

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  • Jul 13th, 2006

Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) - Some Hardware resources may be shared by processor. Processor communicate via shared memory and have single operating system.

Cluster or Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) - Known as shared nothing in which each processor have exclusive access to hardware resources. CLuster systems can be physically dispoersed.The processor have their own operatins system and communicate via high speed network


Vimal T

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  • Jul 13th, 2006

Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) - Some Hardware resources may be shared by processor. Processor communicate via shared memory and have single operating system.

Cluster or Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) - Known as shared nothing in which each processor have exclusive access to hardware resources. CLuster systems can be physically dispoersed.The processor have their own operatins system and communicate via high speed network


Vimal T

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  • Jan 8th, 2007

Symmetric MultiProcessing (SMP) is  the processing of programs by multiple processors that share a commom operating system and memory. This SMP is also called as "Tightly Coupled MultiProcessing". A Single copy of the Operating System is in charge for all the Processors Running in an SMP. This SMP Methodolgy dosen't exceed more than 16 Processors. SMP is better than MMP systems when Online Transaction Processing is Done, in which many users can access the same database to do a search with a relatively simple set of common transactions. One main advantage of SMP is its ability to dynamically balance the workload among computers ( As a result Serve more users at a faster rate )

Massively Parallel Processing  (MPP)is the processsing of programs by multiple processors that work on different parts of the program and share different operating systems and memories. These Different Processors which run , communicate with each other through message interfaces. There are cases in which there are upto 200 processors which run for a single application. An InterConnect arrangement of data paths allows messages to be sent between different processors which run for a single application or product. The Setup for MPP is more complicated than SMP. An Experienced Thought Process should to be applied when u setup these MPPand one shold have a good indepth knowledge to partition the database among these processors and how to assign the work to these processors. An MPP system can also be called as a loosely coupled system. An MPP is considered better than an SMP for applications that allow a number of databases to be searched in parallel.

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Saurabh Sinha

  • Aug 1st, 2014

In SMP every processor share a single copy of the operating system (OS)

In MPP each processor use its own operating system (OS) and memory.

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Himanshu Maheshwari

  • Apr 2nd, 2015

The environment in which you run your parallel jobs is defined by your system’s architecture and hardware resources. All parallel processing environments are categorized as one of:

SMP (symmetric multiprocessing) Cluster or MPP (massively parallel processing)

1.some hardware resources may be shared among processors. in which each processor has exclusive access to hardware resources.

2.The processors communicate via shared memory and have a single operating system The processors each have their own operating system, and communicate via a high- speed network.

3.MPP systems are physically housed in the same box. cluster systems can be physically dispersed

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  • Aug 27th, 2015

SMP is a shared Disk. Its having 62 or 124 CPUs.
MPP is a shared nothing or clustered systems . We can say combination of multiple SMPs.

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