Annealing, Normalizing, Carburizing
What is annealing, normalizing, carburizing w.r.t iron carbon equilibirium and also mention its temperature ranges.
TIG, MIG in Welding
Tungsten Inert Gas welding and Megnesium Inert Gas welding is used for which material welding and what are their advantages?
GIS services
Hi,Can anybody tell me few companies list which are in GIS services in Bangalore
What is SMAW ?
SMAW means Sheilded Metal arc welding.
Blank Size
Blank size is equal to size of punch in presswork.
BMD Diagram
for uniform strength of beam condition req.A. Depth constant, width increases.B. Depth increases, width decreases.C. Both should increase.D. All the above.E. None of the above.
Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions