Annealing, Normalizing, Carburizing

What is annealing, normalizing, carburizing w.r.t iron carbon equilibirium and also mention its temperature ranges.

Questions by vrsaikumar   answers by vrsaikumar

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Dec 11th, 2008

Annealing and normalizing are heat treatment order to impart desired mechanical properties to the material heat treatment techniques are carried out. Annealing is the process of heating the material and then cooling it at a suitable rate in room is carried out to refine the grain size,relive stresses, and to impart machining properties.normalizing is a process of heating the material at a temperature of 40 degree above the recrystallization temperature and cooling it in air or water. But carburizing is one of the case hardening process. If it is desired to produce a hard case outside and soft core inside then case hardening process is to be carried out. Using the carbon environment such as methane carbon will be diffused into the material.similar to carburising, nitriding, cyaniding also comes under case hardening techniques.

The explaination is same as mentioned above....But it should be noted that Annealing is used when we want ductility in material.Normalizing is used when we want hardness and carburizing is used when we want outside  core of material to be hard and we have nothing to do with inside core of material.for example in meshing of two materials where there outside surfaces are in contact or rolling against each other.

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