What is SMAW ?

SMAW means Sheilded Metal arc welding.

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers

Kevin Wilson

  • Feb 20th, 2007

Sheilded Metal Arc Welding

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  • Mar 6th, 2007

SMAW: Shileded Metal Arc welding

In smaw , the welding will be done by using electrodes. The selection of electrodes will be based on Parent metal that we are going to weld and strength of the weld metal required

all electrodes are made with required dimensions and they are coated by means of flux

the name SMAW mainly stands for while doing welding the electrode is connected to positiv(since more current flows only in +ve direction) where as the job connected to negative. When the rod reaches that is positive reaches very near to negative that is parent metal, arc will produce , thus we have to maintain arching gap for good welding and the electrode will start to melt and deposit over the parent metal. Flux will  protect the molten metal from oxidation during welding . Since the density of flux is very less so at high temp. it automatically came up which we clean by chieseling or chipping.
there is a lot to tell about this but this is enough to know what is meant by smaw

There are 2 types of metal arc welding... shielded metal arc welding and unshielded... OR
we can also say as protected and unprotected, metal arc welding...

SMAW is the the welding process which shields the molten metal from
surrounding thereby not letting oxygen to be in contact with molten metal and prevents it from oxidation and increases its

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