DC Motor
what happens when we apply ac voltage to a DC motor (nothing but if any DC motor)?
Regarding three phase supply
Why 440 volt 3 -phase power supply is showing neutral as phase and phase as no supply? As still the power is supplied to the load and its working?
Calculation of Electrical Cable size
Will u please give the formula, for selection of cable sizing (both Copper and Aluminium) depend upon the electrical loads...
DC Motor Amature Control
Why armature control is used, not the field control for DC motors?What is the drawbacks in field control method?
Virtual ground
while supply voltage 12V, when I adjust 17V to circuit,my virtaul ground potential become about 0.9V.Why this happening ? Is virtual circuit always zero potential ? Thanks for your helps.
Star/Delta transformer
What is neutral transformer?
What is the difference of h.t and l.t. cables ?
72V DC Motor with two 12V wind Generators
Hello, I have two 12v DC wind generators that can provide charge to a 72v battery bank. This bank is used to power a 72Volt Electric Motor. I have one connected to the first battery (the positive connect for the entire bank) and the other generator is hooked up to the other or last battery of the 72v bank (the negative connect). Is this proper? Or, what do you recommend? Which manner should I best...
Capacitor and Condensor
What is the difference between a capacitor and a condensor?
Car alternator is a 3 phase generator.
In the car alternator is a 3 phase generator and rectified instead of using dc generator.
Why ac alternator is better than dc generator in any car? -
3 phase induction motor
prove :
average power = instantaneous power
in 3 phase induction motor -
Magnetic susceptibility VS paramagnetism
More or less what are the similarities and differences in paramagnetism and "Magnetic susceptibility".
Electrical Engineering Interview Questions