Why can't the frequency be 100 hz for electricity?

Questions by aswin_singh

Showing Answers 1 - 14 of 14 Answers


  • Apr 4th, 2013

Because the electrical appliances of every country is design at standard frequency level so if we use the frequency above the rated frequency.

There is possibility that the instrument may get damage hence we cant use the 100hz frequency.

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  • Apr 11th, 2013

why was it decided to be 50hz any historical reason,or the choice was arbitrary

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Rahul rathee

  • Apr 19th, 2013

It is fixed as a standard frequency considering proper utilization ,transmission and distribution of electrical power.....

Even at high frequency losses will be more...which is undesirable
from economic point of view....at low frequency the device performance will be affected such as induction motor ,tube light.....s frequency is necessary to stabilize

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  • Apr 27th, 2013

The main reason is from the mechanical side. for better and optimal use of mechanical energy, scientists proposed that the speed of the turbine must be 3000 to 3600 rpm
some countries like India opted for 3000 rpm with 2 pole machines and generated 50Hz
but some countries if they can afford they gone for 3600 rpm and generated 60Hz and 60Hz has more advantages than 50Hz

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  • Nov 2nd, 2013

According to indian standards we should maintain frequency as 50hz .since we havebeen designing the equipments for 50hz supply only and we are operating all the power stations in parallel mode and conected to grid it is posible if and only if frequency constant.

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In power transmission it cant due to EFIENCY and COST. The higher the frequency the more it is essentialy a direct current! so 100HZ has more power loss due increased current lower peak voltages at the same root means square to power ratio; therefor you needs transmision wire of higher ampicity or excessive heating will occur. Also the lower frequency the bigger and more costly the transformer is once again due to larger gauge transformer windings. Its all about cost and effiency. plus 50/60 HZ modulates the earths natural 11~12HZ so everything can get real messed up on earth? I think satin would like 100HZ way too much also? 100HZ is his favorite thing next to night court.

Truly electricity can be any frequency(s) he dare wishes.

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atul sudhakar

  • May 2nd, 2014

increased frequency causes increased losses and we yet don't have the technology to have the strong foundation to keep machine running at that high frequency

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