Bug found

If any bug found by the tester and send it to developer but developer saying its not bug and its process or functionality but tester ( on behalf of client ) is saying that its a bug.
Then what will happen with that BUG number. This all bug report should be send to client.
But this bug should be what ??? How the tester / developer / project manager / test manager will handled.

Questions by goutamcal2004

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Sep 23rd, 2012

In the defect report, the tester should specify the details such as parameters,environment,screenshots,..etc to the developer to reproduce the scenario. If the Developer cannot reproduce the issue,check the parameters once again, to see if it is related to traffic or other dynamic reasons .The user has to be kept updated on the research you are performing in resolving the issue and take his advise ,to proceed or to close the ticket considering the severity of the issue.

Vrushali Tupe

  • May 3rd, 2016

1) If bug have high severity then as a tester we have to convince to a developer if developer not accepting that high severity bug then it should be report to project manager.

2) Check whether bug is reproducible or not,if its a reproducible defect then developer should have to fix it.

3) Still developer not accepting high severity defect then take screen shot,video recording of that defect and logged the defect into defect summary report as a status Rejected.

4) There may be a chances that because of resolving that defect any other defect may occurred so consider this situation too.

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