When is smoke and sanity testing are performed?

Questions by swatin87

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Dillip Palai

  • Mar 20th, 2012

Smoke Testing: Software Testing done to ensure that whether the build can be accepted for through software testing or not. Basically, it is done to check the stability of the build received for software testing.

Sanity testing: After receiving a build with minor changes in the code or functionality, a subset of regression test cases are executed that to check whether it rectified the software bugs or issues and no other software bug is introduced by the changes. Sometimes, when multiple cycles of regression testing are executed, sanity testing of the software can be done at later cycles after through regression test cycles. If we are moving a build from staging / testing server to production server, sanity testing of the software application can be done to check that whether the build is sane enough to move to further at production server or not.

Difference between Smoke & Sanity Software Testing:

Smoke testing is a wide approach where all areas of the software application are tested without getting into too deep. However, a sanity software testing is a narrow regression testing with a focus on one or a small set of areas of functionality of the software application.

The test cases for smoke testing of the software can be either manual or automated. However, a sanity test is generally without test scripts or test cases.

Smoke testing is done to ensure whether the main functions of the software application are working or not. During smoke testing of the software, we do not go into finer details. However, sanity testing is a cursory software testing type. It is done whenever a quick round of software testing can prove that the software application is functioning according to business / functional requirements.

Smoke testing of the software application is done to check whether the build can be accepted for through software testing. Sanity testing of the software is to ensure whether the requirements are met or not.

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