Seviority and priority

Hi guys,

Check below form.

Ename: Text box

Eno: Text box

Designation: drop down

Address: text field

Salary (total):Text field (numeric)

Basic: Text field (numeric)

HRA: Text field (numeric)

Bonus: Text field (numeric)

Save: button Cancel: button

Now my question is I need 2 examples for below question.

List 1. High severity and High priority bugs
List 2. High severity and low priority bugs
List 3. Low severity and High priority bugs
List 4. Low severity and Low priority bugs

(there is no image.. and no company name in form.. plz dont add bugs like logo and spelling mistake in company name.. in rare scenario application getting crashed... i explain same things to interviewer.. then he said.. "i know u got these scenarios from net".. so plz try to add new bugs in above form..... think.. i think u can get easily all types of bugs in this form.. if not add some more fields....)

Thanks in advance.

Questions by Shashipal Reddy

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

Nidhi Jaggi

  • Sep 1st, 2011

High Priority and High Seviority
1. Save button is not saving the data in the database
2. Cancel button not clearing the data in the form

Low severity and High priority bugs
1. This is Company name (all the bugs that donot have the affect on the application but the business of the client)

Low severity and Low priority bugs
1. All UI defetcs, allignments, fonts

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  • Oct 14th, 2011

"ii think u can get easily all types of bugs in this form.. if not add some more fields....)"

Don't take this personally..your comments cracked me up! You are contradicting you realize? Dude, if you already thought it were super easy, then why post the question? Anyways here is the answer to your question...

1. High severity and High priority bugs
- Cancel button also saves data into database
- save button clears out all fields
- Save and cancel button are labels instead of buttons
- and consider the two Ms. Jaggi listed.

2. High severity and low priority bugs
- All the numeric fields accept both text & numeric (alpha numeric) values (if these fields are messed up DB integrations will fail)
- Only part of address value gets written into DB
- Salary values are automatically rounded to next integer (oh! this will mess up a lot of things at the back-end!)

3. Low severity and High priority bugs
- Cancel button works as expected but does not throw error messages.

4. Low severity and Low priority bugs
- Form background color is wrong
- Form background image is absent
- Mandatory symbols (like red stars , small red boxed at the left top corner of the fields) are absent
- Colors missed or mismatched
- Wrong fonts
- Misaligned text/fields etc.

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  • Feb 10th, 2012

Severity is the impact of the issue on the use of the system.
Priority is the urgency of getting the issue resolved.

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  • Jun 29th, 2012

Severity refers to the impact of bug on the software or any major functionality, whereas priority refers to the urgency in addressing the bug whether it has to be addressed immediately (high priority) or can be looked in later (low priority).

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