Unplanned Leaves

As a team lead How will you handle a situation where an employee frequently takes unplanned leaves?

Questions by mpasha   answers by mpasha

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  • Nov 4th, 2009

I shall talk to the candidate personally 1st and try to understand the problem behind his unplanned leaves. If possible i will suggest him to rectify his problem asap. This would be done for once or twice and if the same is repeating from his end.. then next level of escalations would be taken care...

The main 2 reasons will be

a) That member is not interested in the work that he/she is doing.
b) He/she is not happy with the immediate supervisor.

Best way to solve this is by face to face talk.  Always it should be a gain - gain situation for anyone who is working.both the individual and the project should be benefited by the work that he/she is doing.

Another reason can be personal. A good lead should be able to identiy this too. It should be like professional at work and personal friend.

Every company has some leave policy. Usually the person can take 6 or 8 unplanned leave which may either be called as sick leave. The rest of the leaves have to be informed atleast two day before.

In my first meeting with the team, I will inform the group to let me know about your leave a week ahead. usually in those meeting your manager will be present and inform in front of him so that the team member will say ahhh... we will deal with manager at last moments.

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