Ordinal Identification

What is Ordinal Identification in QTP

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  • Aug 21st, 2009

QTP can identify the object when it is uniquely identified using its properties. When objects that have the same values for all properties specified in the mandatory and assistive property lists, QTP fails to
identify the object. To avoid this case, it learns Ordinal Identifiers to identify the object uniquely.

In addition, even if QuickTest learns an ordinal identifier, it will use it during the run session only if the learned description and the Smart Identification mechanism are not sufficient to identify the object in your application. If QuickTest can use other test object properties to identify the object during a run session, the ordinal identifier is ignored.

Indicates the order in which the object appears in the application code relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.

Indicates the order in which the object appears within the parent window, frame, or dialog box relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.

(Browser object only.) Indicates the order in which the browser was opened relative to other open browsers with an otherwise identical description

Identifying an Object Using the Index Property

While learning an object, QuickTest can assign a value to the test object's Index property to uniquely identify the object. The value is based on the order in which the object appears within the source code. The first occurrence is 0.

Index property values are object-specific. Therefore, if you use Index:=3 to describe a WebEdit test object, QuickTest searches for the fourth WebEdit object in the page.

Identifying an Object Using the Location Property

While learning an object, QuickTest can assign a value to the test object's Location property to uniquely identify the object. The value is based on the order in which the object appears within the window, frame, or dialog box, in relation to other objects with identical properties. The first occurrence of the object is 0. Values are assigned in columns from top to bottom, and left to right.

Identifying an Object Using the CreationTime Property

While learning a browser object, if QuickTest is unable to uniquely identify the object according to its test object description, it assigns a value to the CreationTime test object property. This value indicates the order in which the browser was opened relative to other open browsers with an otherwise identical description. The first browser that opens receives the value CreationTime = 0.

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