Based of Ordinal Identifiers

When ordinal identifiers alone can make an object unique then why they are not given top priority? Why it is first mandatory and next assitive. Why we cannot go for ordinal identifiers directly?

Questions by manikanta.baggu   answers by manikanta.baggu

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

Good Question. I belive Location and Index will be recognized based on screen co-ordinates. So when you run the same script on different location and index my differ. At the same time, if the object are having the child objects it will give the sam location id. So when you run the script it may get fail some times.

Hi, This is good question. The reasons, why Ordinal identifier is not used alone to recoganize objects are as follows:

1) Some times it may happen that if two objects are overlapped on each other than location based object reorganization will fail.
2) If we provide only index the application will work but it may hamper overall code performance.

That is the reason mandatory and assistive properties are preferred over ordinal identifier.

Using the ordinal identifier we can identified the unique object roughly.   Well if we use the smartidentifier, then our skill will identified by the team leader using that it will identify the object uniquely.

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