Usability testing of web application

1.what all factors are considered when we perform usability testing of web application?
2. what is the most important testing which we consider when we test a web application?

Questions by raj1402   answers by raj1402

Showing Answers 1 - 18 of 18 Answers

 Usability testing is done for" user friendliness". In this we check how comfortable the customeri s in going thru the application. suppose for an example while logging in he forgot his password, in usability testing u have to check whether  there is an "forgot password option" and if we click this it is asking for secret question or not and  many things u can test like there should be minimise and maxmise button for a window....and so on


  • Jul 30th, 2008

Usability testing will also take into account the requirement specifications. If client has specified a particular tyepe of page i.e header, footer,fontstyle etc then the css needs to be maintained. Also the user-friendliness which has already been mentioned.

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  • Oct 11th, 2008

Let me start with small example:
You have given right user name and wrong password for yahoo or gmail
What would you expect? surely it would display an error message as user name and
Password does not match. If it does not gives you any message its not an user

We can conclude that how ease the application is?
does it provides any error handling messages, and it should be easy to learn and
also easy to operate.

This kind of testing is typically done by the users of the product.

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For Web application Usability testing is very important. Here i list out the factors which we have to consider for usability testing.

1) Testing for Broken links
2) There should not be any orphan pages
3) All the texts should be displayed in proper colour and format
4) User message have to display for each and every action
5) User message should be highlighted
6) No need of any document or help file to use the website
7) Functionliaty should be easily understandable
8) Have to follow web standards
9) User interface is must
10) Selected tab have to be highlighted
11) Easy navigation

1.what all factors are considered when we perform usability testing of web application?

[Ans]  I can considered below ones.

-> Font of the fields
-> Color of the validation messages and fields
-> Mandatory fields should be in BOLD
-> Alignment of the fields
-> Showing the Next/previous link in a data grid if application count reaches 10
-> Navigational link
-> All pages should have a heading in a consistent way
-> User friendly validation messages in each and every operation 

2. what is the most important testing which we consider when we test a web application?

-> Usability and Functional
-> Security


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How ease the use of application for end user will be determined by doing
usability testing.
So factors considered under usability testing are
Application Functionality should be easily understood
User friendly validation messages should be displayed on every actions
Hints about the functionality or Object
Consistency in objects
Look and feel of objects and window/screen
Cursor focus
Tab order
Headings and Font should have proper Size and colors
Basic Help information about application
Specifying mandatory fields
Easy Navigation (Next, Previous), etc.

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1)  Here is a high-level (and not exhaustive) list of things to consider:
- page layout
- links
- focus
- text appearance
- headings, titles, and labels
- text boxes and validation
- menus and lists
- navigation
- scrolling and paging
- screen-based controls
- graphics, images, and multimedia
- search
- help
- accessibility
- security
- concurrency
- user access and roles
- state management
- localization
- globalization

2) Most important:  security; for ethical and legal reasons

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  • Jul 26th, 2010

Testing for 'user friendliness'. Clearly this is subjective, and will depend on the targeted end-user or customer. User interviews, surveys, video recording of user sessions, and other techniques can be used. Programmers and testers are usually not appropriate as usability testers.

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