Severity and Priority for bugs

Give me example for BUG that has HIGH SERVERITY and LOW PRIORITY and SAME BUG in other case should be LOW SEVERITY and HIGH PRIORITY.

Questions by rk_pradheep   answers by rk_pradheep

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Generally, There are 3 kinds of severity of bug:

High---These bugs are the ones which are the most serious ones and has to be resolved immediately.As they do not allow us to proceed further in running the application.They can also be called as show stoppers. 
So these bugs has highest priority to get resolved.

Medium--- Are of medium importance.Medium Priority

 Low -- UI related issues comes under this. Lowest in priority in fixing it.

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  • Feb 25th, 2008

 In terms of Severity and Priority for bugs

Sevrity Would Remain Constant ...,
Since the impact is on the application whereas,
Priority Would Change according to the situations..,
Since the importance is given to the application... in order to fix,

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  • May 19th, 2008

Low severity: Application crasher from only one customer in 1000 customer that to for wrong use case.

High severity: Where as application  crashes ,but prority is very less to fix the bug and will effect only one custoer

High prority & Low severity: Suppose you are having a bug that there is a spelling  in the name of the project/product.Here the severity is less as it does not effect any thing,but the prority it  should fix why bcoz this bug is very high prority,if any one catch it the image of the project or prodct will effect and get bad this is high prority.

Simple Example of "Severity and Priority for bugs"

If you are doing webtesting for any Company wesite and in that if you found the company logo different then for webdeveloper its easy to change means severity is low but from comany point of view its logo is in proper way so that time priority is high.

If you are doing testing for UK client and if you found the date format MM/dd/yyyy(in UK its dd/mm/yyyy) then for develor its change the format of date is not big issue that time from developer point of Priority is low and severity id high.

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Before answering this question i would like to say some thing abt my project, mine is a project, it contains both US and UK clients... but both are using same files...

Desc about some functionality: A user can do volunteering to any of the charity with some hours, say for example he has volunteered 40 hours for a charity then he can elible to apply for some grant from his company, again this grant will goes to charity.


Issue: Now the issue is out of all users applications works perfectly, but not worked only for one user who done his volunteering in last year other than this year, in this case we can consider this as High sev and low priority if the release time is over for testing team perspective.


The same issue will considered as Low severity and high priority in client perspective as he has so many clients.

Let me know if i am wrong


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DEFECT:  Application freezes and forces reboot when entering "Votar a favor Pedro".

This represents an issue that has a significant negative impact on customers but has little overall value to the company.

We have a Latin market but it is unlikely that anyone will enter this phrase.

This represents an issue that has little negative impact on customers but has significant overall value to the company.

We removed the application from our Latin markets but our new CEO's name is Pedro and he wants this fixed immediately.

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