Duplicate Bugs

Explain what a duplicate bug is ?

Questions by rk_pradheep   answers by rk_pradheep

Showing Answers 1 - 18 of 18 Answers


  • Dec 1st, 2007

If you report two bugs whose reproducible steps may be different and the end result may be different but the cause of the defect is same, then it would be considered as duplicate bug.

Hope everyone agree with me.

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  • Jan 7th, 2008

Assume that there are two testing engineerers testing the application but initial  flow  is same or senarios. By that time the defect found by the test engineer 1 is same as test engineer 2 is called as duplicate Bug.

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If any of the tester logged the same issue twice in the same release then it will considered as a duplicatite bug, this will occured in below scenarios.

-> If a build was tested by 3 members then there may be a chance to log the same issue by more than one tester

-> If a build contains a lot many bugs then there may be a change to log the same issue twice

-> We need to test the build in 3 servers ( Our server, client test server and Product), there may be a chance to log the same issue in any of the 2 servers ( if status of issue was changed to Deffered)


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Same bug is reported twice , thrice or more by same Tester or different Tester in the Bug Tracking tools, which represent the same test steps or different test steps, but the bug cause is same is called Duplicate Bugs.

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Duplicate bug can be termed as following issues:
*It can be like same defect we found in different scenario or attempt and reporting them in the bug tracking tool with different bug id.It might create confusion in the developer side as well as tester side.
*Prevention :To prevent this we need to tag it as Duplicate while reporting .

*It can be like different defect but the proceeding step will be same . Then it is worth to report it as a different one in the bug tracking tool .
*Prevention : To optimize the work we can give similar Bug id the defect we encountered .It will be easy while checking for retesting as well for regression testing.

*It can be different defects as well as the proceeding steps would be different but the source/root cause of the defect would be same .
*It is worth to report them distinctly in the tracking tool.

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  • Jan 5th, 2012

Duplicate bug -> is that bug which has already been reported and functionality is same as the reported one.
but sometimes developer also treat the bug occurred in different scenarios as duplicate bug, but it is different because there steps reproduction is different.

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