What is benchmark testing? How do you use it? Give me some examples

Questions by Mariasf   answers by Mariasf

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Nov 20th, 2007

Benchmark testing is a testig which is done after taking the code out from cycle and done after refinmeent of code at a particular desk to see wheather it is doing the requirements at desk,later it is migrated to other dev cycle.

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A bench mark in a solid, immovable surface of known elevation used for surveying.   The term "bench mark" has been highjacked from the surveying world to mean a standard of performance or quality.  Thus the term "up to the mark." 

Bench Mark testing is testing intended to compare similar products, either against each other or against a standard of performance.  Organizations such as Forresters (http://www.forrester.com/wave) provide this kind of data on all sorts of products and services.

Benchmark testing for software is sometimes done using either competing products or published results. 

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A benchmark, or light load, scenario is generally a small community of users compared to
the target load. This community of users must be large enough to represent a reasonable
sample of the entire user community. Executing these tests ensures that the testing
environment behaves as expected under light load before more demanding testing begins.

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yeahia ahmed

  • Oct 23rd, 2012

A means of measuring system performance by having it perform a set of well-defined tasks. May be used to compare performance between systems.

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  • Jan 28th, 2013

Bench-mark testing may be one of the factors which we set as an exit criteria for the testing.
For Example, if the error ratio falls to this level (bench-mark) we may exit the testing process.

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