What is the role of QA in a company that produces a software?

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  • Nov 22nd, 2007

When a Company Produces a Sofware Product , QA role is to Test first whether the Setup/Product is properly getting Installed and is Functioning well (formally known as fuctional testing) and also check whether the Product is Stable.

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  • Nov 22nd, 2007

When a Company Produces a Sofware Product , QA role is to Test first whether the Setup/Product is properly getting Installed and is Functioning well (formally known as fuctional testing) and also check whether the Product is Stable.

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The role of Quality Assurance is to provide management with assurnace that the product being developed will be of adequate relaibility, with provide the desired functionality, will be delivered on time at a reasonable cost.  That is, unless the Quality Assurance person believes that this is not going to be the actual outcome, in which case it is his job to provide warnings.  Warnings of approaching problems are only useful if they are given before the problem happens.  This is why testing and Quality Assurance are not in any way releated.  Testing happens after all of the bad things have probably already happened and there is no opportunity for management to take preventive actions. 

Farmers farm,
Miners mine,
And testers test, not SQA.

If the organization that is interviewing you has a QA group that does testing, then management doesn't understand the issues.  If you take the job, you have to do so in the knowledge that the organization will probably be in a more or less constant state of crisis because it will deliver buggy products.

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