Important Test cases for testing search engine like Google.Asked in interview, so what are the main test cases like performance, stress etc..

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  • Member Since Dec-2007 | Jul 17th, 2008


To test a search engine like google, these points must be followed:

1. Navigation in the web site.
2. Response time and results displayed from the database
3. GUI

Rubul sarma

Showing Answers 1 - 24 of 24 Answers


  • Jul 6th, 2010

Test cases would be based on the requirement documents. Based on the requirements we would be able to create the functional test cases, User Interface test cases, Messages etc.  For eg. the types of test cases would be

1) Is the main textbox where we enter the search data is working correctly, as in can it take alphabets, numbers etc

2) Are the buttons and the textlinks that are displayed working correctly

3) Once you type anything in the search textbox,how long does it take to refresh the page and come up with a result

4) Once you type in the search textbox,how many search results is it bringing up based on the data entered

5) Is it going correclty to the next page,if the functionality is supposed to do that.

Then based on the above list we can do different types of testings like Boundary Value analysis or Equivalence partitioning etc.

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Prafulla Tehare

  • Sep 3rd, 2013

Possible testings are:
1 navigation of website
2 Content testing
3 Load testing
4 performance testing

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kapil Sharma

  • Dec 14th, 2014

Critical testings are:

1 Content testing - Relevance of the search result, ranked on basis of relevance,etc.
2. Performance testing - Time taken for displaying results
3 Load testing
4 navigational testing

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  • Mar 20th, 2015


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Following are cases we must check search engine like google, yahoo or bing etc.

1. Check GUI of search page
2. Positive, Negative Testing
3. Check auto-suggest functionality (Can have more testcases depends on algorithm mentioned in requirement)
4. Check Search Result(s). (Can have more testcases depends on functionality mentioned in requirement like which results need to show, wild search or exact search, AND/OR algorithm when more than one keyword used etc.)
5. Check all result(s) content (content testing)
6. Check navigation of all links of result. (should redirect/navigate to respective page)
7. performance testing (check time taken to show results)
8. Load testing

We can write more test cases depending on functional requirements.

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  • Jun 22nd, 2015

Test cases for search engine:
Functional testcases
1. Verify response time of search.
2. Verify total no. of results to be displayed on one page.
3. Verify results should return on entering any valid keyword in search field.
4. Verify no results return on blank entry in search field.
5. Verify relevance search result are returned from database on entering valid keyword.
6. Verify URL color should update to maroon from blue on navigation to URL.
7. Verify auto suggest feature is working .
8. Verify pagination should be hyperlinked and results should appear on navigating to any page.
9. Verify next button should be available with pages and it should navigate to next page on clicking on next button.
10.Verify related search should appear on bottom of page.
11.Verify in case of typo error in entered text in search field , search results should appear with suggestion for the user to select.

1. GUI test cases:
a. Cursor should point in search field on navigating to website.
b. Search field should allow user to enter some key words and should display full letter properly
c. Text on search field tool tips should be informative.
d. Check for page resolution on result page and search engine home page.

Stress Test cases:
1. Verify response time if 500 users are searching for same content in search engine.
2. Verify response time if 500 users are searching for different content in search engine

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