There are 3 mandatory fields and 3 optional fields :How many possible testcases can be written?

Showing Answers 1 - 38 of 38 Answers


  • Sep 22nd, 2007

1. 3 mandatiory fields and 3 optional fields are not defined and clarified clearly. What are the fields? Field contains text string or number or date? The possible cases depend on the field type.

2. There are 3x3 positive cases can be written. however, if you apply pairwise technique, you can reduce the positive case.


  • Jan 4th, 2008

Positive Case: 1 (with all mandatory & all optional fields)
Negative Case : 4 (1 for All blank mandatory fields , 3 for individual lank field)


   It would be a better help if mentioned the field type, now we can write the cases only for Optional or mand fields. Briefly we can write the cases like below

1. Submit the page with empty optional fields and verify whether the val msgs shown for optional fields

2. Each time leave any one of the optional feilds, submit the page and verify whether the val msgs shown

3. Submit the page with empty mand fields and verify whether the val msgs shown for mand fields

4. Each time leave any one of the mand feilds, submit the page and verify whether the val msgs shown


  • Apr 19th, 2009

To anwser this question, we need to assume something.

We understand that we have several testing techniques to design test cases from user requirements. In this case, you mentioned something unclear, therefore it will be hard to anwser the question correctly. In this case, you need to clarify in details about the 3 mandatory fields and 3 optional fields. If not you can assume and anwser the question with your assumption. In addition, depend on how developers handle errors in this case. If they handle field by field, then the total test cases will increase. If they handle all fields at the same time, then the test cases will reduce.

That is why testing is so hard and flexible. Testing requires both systematical methods and experienced methods. 


  • Apr 19th, 2009

1) Leave blank 3 mandatory fields
2) Leave blank 2 mandatory fields
3) Leave blank 1 mandatory filed

Comment: for 1,2 and 3 valid error message need to displayed.

4) Leave blank 3 optional fields
5) Leave blank 2 optional fields
6) Leave blank 1 optional field

-use 4,5 and 6 entering all the mandatory fields. Without error message task
should be performed
-use 4,5, and 6 along with above 1,2, and 3 test cases. Respective error message
should display.

7) Enter all the mandatory fields and all the optional fields
Comment: Task should be performed.

8) Enter all the mandatory fields and no optional fields
Comment: Task should be performed.

There are 3 mandatory fields and 3 optional fields in an application.  How many positive and negative testcases should be written in order to minimize the number of test cases?

I assume we are referring to only functional test cases that determine how data imput impacts message validations.  If my assumption is correct, then 1 postive and 4 negative test cases will be written to produce a minimum of 5 test cases.

TEST1 (pos)

TEST2 (neg)

TEST3 (neg)

TEST4 (neg)

TEST5 (neg)

Field 1 (man)






Field 2 (man)






Field 3 (man)






Field 4 (opt)






Field 5 (opt)






Field 6 (opt)






The table represents test cases with input values that are valid, invalid or empty.


  • Apr 13th, 2010

You can write a total of 7 test cases for this scenario. Out of the 7 test cases, you can write 4 positive test cases.

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  • Apr 13th, 2010

1. 3 mandatory + 3 Optional fields (One positive test case)

2. 3 mandatory + leave one optional field each time and write a test case for all the three optional fields (Three test cases)

You can write 3 negative test cases for the mandatory fields by leaving one mandatory field each time.

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1.3 mandatory and 3 optional field
2.3 mandatory field and 2optional field, leaving one field blank
3.3 mandatory field and 1 optional field, leaving two field blank
4.3 mandatory field and all 3 optional field blank

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  • Nov 23rd, 2012

There are 2 positive testcases i.e
1) Enter all the Fields with valid data(Mandatory and Optional fields).
2) Entering only mandatory fields.

kapil sharma

  • Dec 14th, 2014

Assumption: validity of mandatory or option fields is nor considered (not mentioned in ques)
1. all mandatory filled
2. single mandatory field empty: error msg for that particular field
3. multiple mandatory fields empty: error msg for those all fields
4. all mandatory + all optional filled
5. single/multiple optional fields blank

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  • May 20th, 2015

There are 6 possible TC:-
1.All mandatory fields filled.
2.All optional fields filled.
3.1 optional filed filled.
4.2 optional fileds filled.
5.3 optional fileds filled.
6.No optional fields filled.

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  • Jul 21st, 2015

1) All fields mandatory and optional must be filled with valid data and send
2) 6 separate test cases for invalid data of each field.
3) Empty the all six fields
4) Fill all mandatory fields
5) Fill only optional fields
6) 1st mandatory field empty and all other fields filled with valid data
7) 2nd mandatory field empty and all other fields filled with valid data
8) 3rd mandatory field empty and all other fields filled with valid data
9) 1st optional field empty and all other fields filled with valid data
10) 2nd optional field empty and all other fields filled with valid data
11) 3rd optional field empty and all other fields filled with valid data

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  • Apr 29th, 2016

coz we already covered (3 optional field into, all optional field)

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  • Aug 25th, 2018

what will you do if there are 10 field ? you gonna write 100 test cases for that? please dont answer if you dont know about anything.

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  • Aug 29th, 2018

TestCase1 : 3madatory fields + 1optional
TestCase2 : 3 mandatory fields + 2 optional
TestCase3 : 3 mandatory fields + 3 optional fields
TestCase4 : 1 Mandatory
TestCase5 : 2 Mandatory
TestCase6: 3 Mandatory
TestCase 7 : 1 Mandatory +1 optional
TestCase 8 : 1 Mandatory +2 optional
TestCase 9 : 1 Mandatory + 3 optional
TestCase 10 : 2 Mandatory +1 optional
TestCase 11: 2Mandatory +2 optional
TestCase 12 : 2 Mandatory + 3 optional
TestCase 13 : 3 Mandatory +1 optional
TestCase 14: 3 Mandatory +2 optional
TestCase 15 : 3 Mandatory + 3 optional
TestCase16 : None
TestCase17 : 1 optional
TestCase18: 2 optional
TestCase19: 3 optional
Also additional cases with different field values like integer, string, junk etc

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  • Feb 17th, 2019

Test Scenario is a sets of application flow where we can see all the functionality of application whos works .or steps of test cases which are in accommodation. Test scenario is group of test cases for particular application modules where expected result is not mentioned .

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  • Jan 4th, 2023

I will use Decision Making Table Technique. I will prepares 3 positive and 2 nagative test case. 1) 3 man. 1 opt. 2) 3 man. 2 opt. 3) 3 mad. 3 opt. 4)1 man. 1 opt. 5) 2 man. 2 opt.

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