Given an yahoo application how many test cases you can write?

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  • Sep 6th, 2005

First we need requirements of the yahoo applicaiton. 
I think test cases are written aganist given requirements.So for any working webapplication or new application, requirements are needed to prepare testcases.The number of testcases depends on the requirements of the application 

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  • Oct 1st, 2005

hi meghana

i got some questions on mail i gone through that

ur exaplanation was very meaningful any suggestions on qa testing pls

send a message

ok bye



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  • Nov 19th, 2005

Meghana Wrote: First we need requirements of the yahoo applicaiton. 
I think test cases are written aganist given requirements.So for any working webapplication or new application, requirements are needed to prepare testcases.The number of testcases depends on the requirements of the application 

what is the difference between the web testing and GUI testing

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  • Nov 23rd, 2005

see basically web testing your testing application on browser were as gui your doing it without webbrowser (it can be with client- server link)

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  • Jan 31st, 2006


I want to answer this question (The difference between Web Application and GUI testing)

when we do GUI Testing we test the Location of Page objects (e.g buttons, Textbox, Images, browser resolution, size of image etc).

however when we are testing a web based application we test the flow of Information from one Web page to another along with the information that is displayed on the Web page & the URL.

Hope this will help!


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ravi kumar

  • Mar 17th, 2006


difference between the GUI testing & web based testing

GUI TESTING means we will test the objects of the window like(buttons,text boxes etc.) and in this testing the objects properties we will.

WEB BASED TESTING means we will test the URL of the application and the functionalities and links of the application.


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  • Apr 8th, 2006

To write a test cases for any application 1st thing is we need SRS.

Now Yahoo has so many applications. 1st we need to know what application we are going to test? Then we will see a SRS for that. And then accordingly we can write test plan for all cycle of SDLC and related test cases.

So, Guys this is very good question and people used to ask. The good answer for these type of question is " The requirement is not clear".

As far as GUI and web testing is concern.

GUI testing test the screens. Button, Text box, Resolution of screen etc. Where as WEB testing also include all the above things but web testing include stress testing, load testing etc.

Although if you test setup box or PVR(Private Video recording) then some time you need to test load senarios too but thats again a GUI testing only.

So bottom line is GUI testing mostly doesnt require stress and load testing or performance testing. Where as web testing require all these.

Hope it will help you out.


  • Apr 25th, 2006

Hi Meghna

     GUI testing meance testing whether the application provides user friendly environment or not.GUI testing are also performed for websites but performance,database and some other testing also worth importance in case of web testing.

     I think you have understood the diffrence.if u have till confusion, feel free to contact me at 

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  • Aug 2nd, 2006

we can write  many tets case for that

1) check for look and feel ( spellings and allign ments...)

1.1)check for the html sequrity .. we can see the https in the addresss bar and lock symbol in the page

2) check for the address bar ( for

3)enter valid  nad invalid userID and password click on 'SIGN-IN"

4) check the check box : For remember the user id and pass word for system:

5) with out checking the  check box

6)check for the active links

7) check for the broken links

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  • Aug 31st, 2006

First we know about the requirements

Then we make the test scenarios on the basis of requirements

Number of test cases depends upon test scenarios

Ex. If 10 scenarios are there then atleast 10 Test Cases is necessary

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  • Sep 19th, 2006

We cant say approximately how much testcase we can write , but we can judge based on the flow of the application.

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  • Sep 27th, 2006

Hi Everyone,


GUI Testing:

1)       In the GUI testing, there is testing of various forms, objects, buttons etc can be done

2)       No need to perform Load and Stress Testing on the GUI Testing

3)       GUI testing can be perform in the absence of Automation tools also


                           WEB Testing:

1)       In the Web testing there will be also testing of various form, objects and buttons but in this we Have to also test URL


2)     Web testing can be perform without automation tools also but required lot of Effort and

         it is very time consuming

3)    Load and Stress testing is very important in the Web testing.                               




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  • Jun 14th, 2007

Testing the functionality of the features of the application is called smoke testing. It is done when we get the BUILD, no test cases are written, it is done just before regular testing.

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  • Jul 5th, 2007

Smoke testing is done to make sure that major functionalities of the system works as per the design spec, 

Test Cases are written for smoke test which covers only major functionalities

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Rajiv Lochan Panda

  • Jul 24th, 2007

You are absolutely correct. We cannot say how many test cases can be written directly. Once requirement is given then only we can tell roughly how many test cases can be written.

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We can write test cases on following point like:
Behavioural coverage
I/P O/P domain coverage
Error msg pop-up menu coverage
calculation coverage
DB coverage

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This is not able to tell the answer for the tuff questions like this as we don't
the requirements, though if you know the requirements we are not sure about the
test cases count.

As for as my knowledge we can write easily 10,000 test cases approximately for below types of testing:

-> GUI testing
-> Functional testing
-> Usability testing
-> Security testing
-> Path and networking testing
-> Compatibility testing
-> System testing
-> UAT

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The answer to this question depends on:

1) My role in the company
2) The purpose of the application
3) My knowledge of the industry that the application serves
4) The value the application has to the company
5) The complexity of the application
6) The risks attached to the application
7) The breadth, depth, and rigidity of the application's requirements and specifications
8) The immediacy of client and/or end-users
9) The amount of time I am given to test the application
10) The resources at my disposal to test the application

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The number is undefinable. We can write as many test case we need that is relevant to the requirements. e.g some test cases can be broken down into small test   cases... Etc.,'

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kapil Sharma

  • Dec 14th, 2014

The answer is Requirements are unspecified therefore we cannot proceed testing.

Lets take an example everybody uses Google search engine but if Google is your company's client and asks for the testing of its search engine then will need to provide the specific requirements. Because missed defects and requirement coverage are important aspects of quality of test cases.

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