Complete Testing with Time Constraints  : Question: How do you complete the testing when you have a time constraint?

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  • Aug 2nd, 2005

Depending upon the priority of the test case

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  • Aug 22nd, 2005

Depending upon testplan and priority of the testcase 

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  • Aug 23rd, 2005

Depends upon the schedule approved by the Lead and the Exit criteria doc.

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  • Aug 25th, 2005

If time constraint is there but testing should be done properly,then depending on the priorities of testcases and testplans,I'll try to complete the whole testing but also it depends on the schedule and existing criteria document.Means which is already tested earlier will not test again this time.

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Suresh Sondur

  • Aug 26th, 2005

If i am doinf regression testing and i do not have sufficient time then we have to see for which sort of regression testing i have to go 
1)unit regression testing 
2)Regional Regression testing 
3)Full Regression testing.

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  • Aug 30th, 2005

then go for adhoc testing,/ chimpanjee or monkey testing

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  • Sep 7th, 2005

By using risk analysis we Have to find which parts to be tested to complete the project with in the time

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  • Oct 4th, 2005

Will use Risk Analysis , to decide the priority of test cases

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  • Oct 5th, 2005

In case if there is Time Constraint for testing, the simple procedure is first test for the positive flow ie the scenerios which should work or the fuctionality. Then do Adhoc testing at the End with various scenerios.

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  • Nov 17th, 2005

shasheel Wrote: then go for adhoc testing,/ chimpanjee or monkey testing

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  • Dec 19th, 2005

I think that being a tester one should know how to take the wise - risk based decision. One has to evalulate and think from the end user point of view as to which all modules can affect the functionality.He should hit the optimal point - that he should not test too much nor too little.

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  • Apr 8th, 2006

Monkey or Guerrilla or exploratory testing is really not a good approach in these scenarios.

You should priorities your test cases according to test plan.

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  • Apr 14th, 2006

1. Based complexcity

2. Risk

3. Priority of test case


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  • Jul 21st, 2006

If there is a time limit, we can test the functionalities based on the customer requirements. What functionlity is critical in the application, what functionality will make financial loss to the customer.

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  • Aug 31st, 2006

I will follow all testing setps.

Use exploratory testing

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  • Sep 19th, 2006

Druing the time constraint, i will check first positive and negative funcitonality of the application. At last if any time is having means, we go for GUI testing.

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There are many times when we have to face this problem. In big projects where testcases are in thousands in that case it becomes more critical. In such projects we generally recieve daily builds, weekly builds, EC Build rotations etc. For the solution, We can make priority of test cases while making test ware e.g. R1, R2,R3..
Whenever we have less time for testing in that case we can only execute R1 test cases. if we left with some more time then we can check R2 test cases so on.. Also risk factor should also taken care of critical components of project.

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  • Jul 12th, 2007

A well scheduled test plan should be developed, if time constrains are directly affecting

After the analysis of the requirement, understand the basic requirement for the system to function properly.

It must be ensured that the Basic system testing is performed.   This design should be done in such a way that only those inputs that directly affects the output are included.

It should be kept in mind that boundary conditions are not verified in this case.

The diagnostics also should be performed as the safety of using the software is also important.

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Kapil Bhatia

  • Aug 18th, 2007

If time constraint is there, then depending on the priorities of test cases and test plans, I'll try to complete the whole testing but also it depends on the schedule and existing criteria document. I can also perform Ad-hoc testing.

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If there is the time contraints then go for priority another wise adhoc testing/monkey testing if having good knowledge on tat project/product

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Functionality which give more bussiness logic.Bussiness Logic test cases will be get executed First and few important function will be test..

anand bijwe

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I will execute the test cases against application,  which have high priority with respect to business/financial flows, test cases with respect to S1/2/3 bugs, 
positive test cases, test the areas which highly access by the end user in their regular work, High risk areas that are decided in regular meetings,
ADHOC testing and if time permits try to execute all the remaining test cases.

First of we need to know time constraint is always there with any task like testing and development, but the thing is whether it's sufficient to do the task or not.
If the time is sufficient then not a problem, if the time is not sufficient then follow the below steps.
1. Intimate the thing to your TL as what you are going to do and take any suggestions from him/her.
2. First differentiate the cases which are high priority and major test cases and execute those cases
3. If still time permits to do the testing then go for all positive scenarios testing and then go for link/path testing,
GUI testing.

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1) I would review the test plan to determine whether there are contingency plans for a possible time constriction under the 'Risks' section of the document.  If so, I would follow the contingency plan.  
2) This scenario represents one reason why test teams prioritize their test cases.   Under time constraints, I would execute the high priority test cases first and, time permitting, I would move on to lesser priority cases.  In this manner, I ensure that I am focused on discovering defects that have the greatest impact on mission-critical functionalities. 
3) If I have only Pri 3 and/or Pri 4 test cases left to execute, I might chose to perform ad-hoc testing on the functionalities that have not been tested. 
4) In any situation where time constraints prevented the test team from fully testing an application, I would make it clear to all concerned parties that QA and Test will not sign off on the quality of the product but will only provide feedback as it pertains to the quality of the functionalities that were tested. 

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