How do you test email marketing product

Detail about what kind of Testing strategies and test cases

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Jun 1st, 2009

Factors to see:

1. Email should be sent to lot of people at the same time.
2. To different email accounts and browsers.
3. To different email clients in different operating systems.
4. Should be visible clearly.
5. If the email has any links, then those links should be opened.
6. Any email link (with protocol 'mailto' should be opened accordingly in default email client)
7. If it is any sound associated with email, it should be heard across email accounts, email clients
Will do the perf.test and make sure the customer is able to download the pictures and other controls easily. I can provide inputs to developers, business analysts, stake holders accordingly.
9. Different firewall settings (must be in advanced testing level)

Test Requirements/Test Logistics:

1. Different email clients
2. Different browsers
3. Different target email accounts
4. Different operating systems.
5. Different firewall settings

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