What bugs are mainly come in Web testing what severity and priority we are giving.

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  • Aug 2nd, 2005

The bug that mainly comes in web testing are cosmetic bugs on web pages , field validation related bugs and also the bugs related to scalibility ,throughput and response time for web pages.

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  • Aug 4th, 2005

Field validation and errors due to the entry of invalid characters are the main problem.

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y.ashok kumar

  • Aug 12th, 2005

what is the job of the Test Engg when a Project is accepted by CEO?

priya khaire

  • Oct 25th, 2005

Can you please elaborate Scalability throughpuut & response time concepts

Pramod Pawar

  • Nov 15th, 2005

In Field validations, especially if you will enter HTML tags in the fields and processed application will crash. Which gives you a HIGH priority and HIGH Severity defect.

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Bug is a hidden defect.They are captured in User Environment.

Defect Is a specification which is Missing,present but wrong.They are captured in Controlled Environment.

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  • Feb 28th, 2006

Field validation and errors due to the entry of invalid characters are the main problem.In Field validations, especially if you will enter HTML tags in the fields and processed application will crash. Which gives you a HIGH priority and HIGH Severity defect.The bug that mainly comes in web testing are cosmetic bugs on web pages , field validation related bugs and also the bugs related to scalability ,throughput and response time for web pages.Bug is a hidden defect.They are captured in User Environment.Defect Is a specification which is Missing,present but wrong.They are captured in Controlled Environment.

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  • Mar 6th, 2006


1)Cosmetic defects in the UI application.

2)Functional related defects which plays a key role in the application and needs to be solved.

3)Validation defects for the fields.

Based on the type of defect we find, we need to give the seviority & priority.

Hoping that this would help u.

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  • Apr 5th, 2006

In Web based testing following bugs are very common across the various types of websites: -1. Issues in navigation of application - Flow of the site is not consistent2. Usability - Application is not user friendly and interface is not easy to understand, navigate and is not extractive.3. Cosmetic Issues and GUI Issues - Cross browser application is not having consistent look and feel, Field level validations are not working.4. Functional Issues5. Performance issues - How time it takes to display the page to the user.6. Load - How much load an application can handle at any point in time.7. Stress - At how much load application will crash.8. Flow of data - Information which is entered by user is stored in correct format.9. If proper static information is not displayed along with text fields to enter data.10. Links are broken, default focus is not set in forms, tab key not working, all key board short cuts are not fully functional and lots more...............................


  • Apr 25th, 2006

Can you please elaborate Scalability throughpuut & response time concepts

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  • Aug 21st, 2006

Scalability : The quality of being able to handle scalable data. In short volume of the data.

Throughput : Is the correct output getting generated as per the input. In short correctness of the data with respect to input.

Response time : Time taken by the application to perform the particular task. This term is referred in the benchmarking of an application.

e.g. The report should be generated and displayed within 3 seconds

I hope this will clear your understanding

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  • Sep 19th, 2006

Let us take an example of one page Name : Address: City : Phone no : Email address : comments : SAVE and CANCEL are two buttons What are the scenarios need to test this page.

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  • Dec 27th, 2006

Help product analyst and development team to prepare use case.

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  • Apr 16th, 2007

Web Testing


1. URL working correctly
2. Links working properly--check for broken links
3. Check the content is relevent and updated.
4. Check for spelling and grammer.
5. Test for localization.
6. See the logos and images displaying properly
7. Format of the page and is its proper while resizing window
8. Mail are sent correctly.


1. Loading speed
2. Stress testing
3. Load testing


Compactable with different browsers and with different versions and latest versions
Compatible with differnt OS

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  • Jun 20th, 2007

1: Priority represents the importance of fixing a bug, and reflects a business decision as to how soon that bug should be fixed: all priority 1 bugs should be fixed before priority 2 bugs, etc.

2: Severity represents "how bad a bug is." For example, a bug that causes the program to crash would be considered high severity, while a small spelling error might be low severity.  So if application
crashes and is mostly used part of your application it should have high severity and high priority to get fixed.

Example 2:
Suppose your testing filed validation like entering data in textbox beyond the max limit of that field, it will
definitely get fails. So it will be sever bug but frequency of getting this application fail is less so its of low priority and it will get fix later as it will have less priority.

I hope
I cleared your issue.


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  • Jul 30th, 2007

The following are the bugs that we could find in Web application .

1. Cosmetic issues .
2. Navigation to all the web pages could not be performed.
3. Could not select heck boxes, radio buttons, images in the web page.
4. Unwanted notables, pop-ups being displayed.

Quality Analyst.

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  • Mar 14th, 2008

in web testing many bys come with diffrent priority and severity .

If severity high ,priority high bug-eg:All of a sudden a feature which was working suddenly stopped. A hot fix needs to be done .

If the bug is not severe and  low priority then it will lie in the bug queue for a long time and gets fixed rarely.

If a bug with high prority arises  then it will be fixed in the next release .

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Find the issues can come while testing the website..

1. GUI 
2. Functional
3. Security
4. Content
5. Globalization
6. Load Performance

Page loading: Sev : 2 or 3, Priority: Depends

1. Connection failed


Requested URL is not retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.c2osolutions.com/SO/documents/................The following error was encountered:

  • Connection to Failed

2. Page can;t be shown

The webpage cannot be found

3. If page contains large date then connection failed...

4. Some time there may be a chance to failed the connection between application and data base.

5. Images problem some times images are not loaded properly.

6. SOme times all controls are not loaded.

Browser Compatibility: Sev : 3 , Priority : Depends

1. java script errors : Shown only in mozilla not in IE

2. Hidden fields: Some times some of the controls should be hide in some pages
that hidden fields are directly shown when checking with Mozilla.

3. Usability : Alignment of the fields has been changed for some controls in some
pages when checking with Mozilla.

4. Close buttons in child windows: Some pages have child windows with close
button if clicked on close button the page should closed actually but when
checking with Mozilla it's not happening where as with IE it is ok.

5. Sorting : The main problem i've faced is sorting has not been worked which is
available in every data grid.

6. Tool tip or Help text: In every page some important controls have tool tips which
introduces about it's use these tips are working fine in IE but while working with
mozilla some times tips are shown some times not and some times over lapped .


  • Aug 31st, 2009

One of the categories in web application testing is connection.
The following bugs are possible in web server connection related
Client - errors
4XX (400-Bad request, 401-Unauthorized,403-forbidden etc)
Server side - errors
500 - Internal server error
503- Service unavailable
504- timedout
Apart from connection, we have client side java script errors
Then, we have
GUI errors, Functionality errors, performance related (throughput, response time related) errors
In general, since web application has n-tier, then errors are possible anywhere between any two tiers (for e.g n-2 and n-3rd tier)

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shunty chhabra

  • May 1st, 2014

Scalability is if you increase your ram or processor in your pc or laptop then application speed automatically increased.performance of application will be better and application response time also will be better.

Throughput:- throughput tells about time that if u request for a page then the total time which those page will take to loaded completely on ur pc is called throughput.

Response time:- Response time is if u request for a page then the first acknowledgment which u receive from server is called response time.
If You have any doubt mail me

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  • May 22nd, 2014

Hi nidhi could please tell me what are the critical bugs when u tested the app.

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  • Jul 3rd, 2014

1. Performance issue ( Speed )

2. UI Issues ( Alignment , look and feel )

3. Functionality issues(application crashing)

4. Cosmic Issues

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  • Jul 10th, 2014

Performance Issue(Speed)

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  • Oct 13th, 2014

1. Load issue

2. Stress Issue.

3. Wrong page navigation.

3. Error 404.

4. Page blocked.

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Nandini Pai

  • Nov 19th, 2014

During Web Testing following issue we may encountered
1:-File not Found
2:-Lot of Time taken to load the page
3:-Page not found error
4:-Script Error on page

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