What is the difference in testing a CLIENT-SERVER application and a WEB application ?

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Suresh R Tathe

  • Sep 14th, 2005

Web Server

Application server

Webserver serves pages for viewing in web browser

application server provides exposes business logic for client applications through various protocols

Webserver exclusively handles http requests

Application server serves bussiness logic to application programs through any number of protocols.


Webserver delegation model is fairly simple,when the request comes into the webserver,it simply passes the request to the program best able to handle it(Server side program). It may not support transactions and database connection pooling

Application server is more capable of dynamic behaviour than webserver. We can also configure application server to work as a webserver.Simply applic! ation server is a superset of webserver.

Web Server serves static HTML pages  or gifs, jpegs, etc., and can also run code written in CGI, JSP etc. A Web server handles the HTTP protocol. Eg of some web server are IIS or apache

An Application Server is used to run business logic or dynamically generated presentation code. It can either be .NET based or J2EE based (BEA WebLogic Server, IBM WebSphere, JBoss).


A J2EE application server runs servlets and JSPs (infact a part of the app server called web container is responsible for running servlets and JSPs) that are used to create HTML pages dynamically. In addition, J2EE application server can run EJBs - which are used to execute business logic.


A J2EE application server runs servlets and JSPs (infact a part of the app server called web container is responsible for running servlets and JSPs) that are used to create HTML

elluru vidyasagar

  • Oct 10th, 2005

Client/server application is a 2-tier application where as web application is an N-tier application.

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RAvi Subramanyam

  • Oct 23rd, 2005

As far as my knowledge i concerned there is need of testing the BROWSER in web testing where in a CLIENT-SERVER testing we dont.


  • Feb 3rd, 2007

Client-server application is 2 tier Architecture and web application N-tier Architecture. Client-Server application limited but web application is unlimited Client-Server application test the icon but in web testing checks the browser and pages Client server Application test single user but in web testing checks the multi user.

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  • Apr 8th, 2007

The Client-server application will have two setup files, one for the Client application and the other for the Server side, so a normal performance testing for optimum working condition of the application is suffiecient to be tested.

Where as in the WEB application, there is only one setup file that is for the main server, and other side the browser will manage things..

In web application, testing is done in a thorough manner, that is the performance testing involves:   stress testing,
                             soak testing,
                             volume testing,
                             load testing


  • Sep 17th, 2007

As far as i know, In the Client-server application, the application will be stored in the server side and it will stored as .EXE file in the client.
In the Web based application, here also the application will be stored in the server but the application must be accessed through the Browser.

Client Server allpcation: In this architechture, Client machine has the business logic and the GUI logic. Server has the database logic.

Web application: In this architecture, Server has the Business, database and the GUI logics. User or client machines do not need any of the logic. User can directly open the browser to access the application from the server.

I hope this answer will be helpful.



  • Oct 2nd, 2008

Client-server application is 2 tier Architecture and web application N-tier Architecture. Client-Server application limited but web application is unlimited Client-Server application test the icon but in web testing checks the browser and pages Client server Application test single user but in web testing checks the multi user.

Client Server allocation: In this
architecture, Client machine has the business logic and the GUI logic. Server has the database logic .Web application: In this architecture, Server has the Business, database and the GUI logics. User or client machines do not need any of the logic. User can directly open the browser to access the application from the server. Client-server application is 2 tier Architecture and web application N-tier Architecture. Client-Server application limited but web application is unlimited.

Client-Server application test the icon but in web testing checks the browser and pages Client server Application test single user but in web testing checks the multi user.

To open client server application there is no need of Internet explorer where as to open a web application we must need of Internet explorer.

To launch client server we can able to start it directly
where as to launch web application we must need web server along with data base server.

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Client-server applications are loaded at the server.  An .exe is loaded on every client to call this application.

Web-based applications are also loaded at the server but no .exe is installed at the client machine.  Instead the client calls the application through a web browser.

Client-server Technology:
1. Testing is performed on .exe installed on local computer
2. The number of clients is known
3. Client and server are the entities to be tested
4. Both server and client locations are fixed and known to the user
5. Server to server interaction is prohibited
6. Low multimedia type of data transaction
7. Designed and implemented on intranet environment

Web-based Technology:
1. Testing is performed on content streamed from web server using browser (ex: Explorer, Mozilla, etc) installed on local computer
2. Number of clients is difficult to predict (millions of clients)
3. Client, Server and network are the entities to be tested
4. Server location is certain; client locations are not certain
5. Server to server interaction is normal
6. Rich multimedia type of data transaction
7. Designed and implemented on internet environment

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