How do you analize severity and priority?

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  • Oct 6th, 2006

 The analize severity and priority is made according serious of the defect interms of high,medium,low according to the client Requirement.and priority need to the customers.

sudhakar kolla,


My number:09819859346

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  • Oct 16th, 2006

Severity : impact of the bug on the application.

Priority   : what is the impact of bug on the user on to that basis we deside the Order and importance in which we have o fix the bug.

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  • Oct 16th, 2006

severity is the impact of the bug on the application where as priority is the priority of the bug like.. how fast the bug can be fixed, is that a high priority bug, then fix it immediately.....

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sunil murjani

  • Nov 19th, 2006

Hi this is sunil,

Analysing priority and severity also depends upon work around possibility.

If the user/tester is able to workaround, i.e. able to carry reamining testing activities then it is medium severity.

asses risk then decide severity and priority. Priority should be given as per severity.

risk = impact* likelihood

high impact high likelihood

high impact low likelihood

low imact high likelihood

low impact low likelihood

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  • Nov 27th, 2006

Hi This is Narendra...


Seviority is desided due to the impact of the bug. Suppose the found bug is crashing one of the main feature(Functionality) in the system then it should be fixed as early as possible...with High seviority.


Prioirty is desided due to the time. Ex: Found bug not causing the application so much, But the applicaiton is going to release very shortly then that bug should be fixed with High priority. 

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Hi,Priority is Business; Severity is Technical in Triages; team will give the Priority of the fix based on the business perspective. They will check ?How important is it to the business that we fix the bug?? In most of the times high Severity bug is becomes high Priority bug, but it is not always. There are some cases where high Severity bugs will be low Priority and low Severity bugs will be high Priority. If schedule drawn closer to the release, even if the bug severity is more based on technical perspective, the Priority is given as low because the functionality mentioned in the bug is not critical to business. Priority and Severity gives the excellent metrics to identify overall health of the Project. Severity is customer-focused while priority is business-focused. Assigning Severity for a bug is straightforward. Using some general guidelines about the project, testers will assign Severity but while assigning a priority is much more juggling act. Severity of the bug is one of the factors for assigning priority for a bug. Other considerations are might be how much time left for schedule, possibly ?who is available for fix?, how important is it to the business to fix the bug, what is the impact of the bug, what are the probability of occurrence and degree of side effects are to be considered. Read the excellent article Arguing Apples and Oranges this article clearly explains the how Priority and Severity of the bug given. Some of the above points taken from this article many organizations mandate that bugs of certain severity should be at least certain priority. Example: Crashes must be P1; Data loss must be P1, etc. A severe bug that crashes the system only once and not always reproducible will not be P1, where as an error condition that results re-entry a portion of input for every user will be P1 Microsoft uses a four-point scale to describe severity of bugs and three-point scale for Priority of the bug. They are as follows Severity ----1. Bug causes system crash or data loss.2. Bug causes major functionality or other severe problems; product crashes in obscure cases.3. Bug causes minor functionality problems, may affect "fit and finish".4. Bug contains typos, unclear wording or error messages in low visibility fields. Priority------1. Must fix as soon as possible. Bug is blocking further progress in this area.2. Should fix soon, before product release.3. Fix if time; somewhat trivial. May be postponed.RegardsPrasad

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  • Dec 12th, 2006

Severity is associated with standards where as Priority is scheduling .


Severity " How bad a bug is "

Priority " How important bug is "

Severity is Assined as High,medium Low

Priority is assigned as P1,P2 and P3

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  • Mar 14th, 2007

priority: The seriousness of the deffect interms of customer requirements.
This is 3 types.
1.High priority
2.Medium priority
3.Low priority.

severity:The seriousness of the deffect interms of application requirements.

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Its depends on the bug found.

The Severity Level is fixed by the Tester and the Priority Level to fix the bug is fixed byt the Developer.

How to Analyze? It is simple that how harm the bug is.. what the bug will do in the build.. if the bug is so harm and not able to process flow(show Stopper) and missed functional then the bug Severity is 'Critical'. If the bug can able to process but the variance in functionalies then the bug Severity is 'Medium'. if the bug does not make harm in other areas and does not affect other functionslies( Spelling mistakes, Title missing) then the bug Severity is defined as 'Low;

The Priority level for the bug to be fix is defined by the develepor by the constant basis. he/she know which should fix first and should taken for Retest.

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