Suppose a website contains 20 pages & having similar type of error in most pages.Tester checked one page & posted the bug in a bugtracking system including that this bug remains in most pages but developer only debugged one page (the location Tester had written). Now who is responsible to check other pages Developer or Tester ?

Showing Answers 1 - 21 of 21 Answers

Yes, it is responsibilty of the tester to identify the bug

While Posting bugs we have to clearly specify that this bug is repeated in other screen also.

By mistake you have posted a bug saying that error is displayed in a single page ....Then there is a thing called Defect discussion where the nature of the bug is discussed with the development team by EOD... where the development may come to know the nature of the bug...

I think i have answered for your question.

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Phaneendra Kumar

  • Feb 19th, 2006


Tester should be the responsible.

Because tester should give the full discription about the bug.

If it appears in most of the pages u should mension the page name where it appears & reproducable steps for that bug in that purticular page.

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In ur Q, you hav mentioned that the tester has mentioned that this bug remains on most of the pages.

I feel both tester and the developer are responsible.

If the bug occurs on 10 pages, the tester should have mentioned the names of few pages where the bug occurs like page1,page2 ect.

Since its the same bug,there should be 1 common problem for all these pages, thus the developer will be in a better position to know which pages will get affected by this problem and he should hav checked in all thos pages and corrected the error.

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yes, u are right its also the responsibilty of the programmer ...But the tester has more responsibilty, he should be more clear abt the bug report ...Its not enough if the tester says that the bug is repeated in other pages...he should give the screen details which it appears...

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ya..but if the same prob occurs in 18 pages, u think tester should waste time capturing screenshot in each page and writing each page's name?I feel capturing screen shot of 1 page( since the same error is displayed in all pages) and writing 4/5 names of pages where such error occured is enough. So developer will be able to generalise the problem and fix it for all pages.

The duty of the developer is to not only fix bugs which the tester reports but also to fix the hidden bugs which he is aware of.

So i would again like to Emhasize that both are equally responsible.

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zameer ahmed syed

  • Jun 8th, 2006

Hi All,

Everybody gave the correct answers, Tester will be the first responsible person for this types of bugs. Some guys have answered Testers Should send all pages screesnhot and some have answered at least 4/5 out of 18...

But instead this, it is very good format/method that i have followed in these conditions.

1. Make a Bug Report with IEEE Standards

2. Along with the Report, it tester add addtional lines of all the pages, where Bug is replicating it will be better, so that he can avoid all pages screenshots here. Known that it will take some time but tester need to survive for better Quality of product.

correct me, if i am wrong.

Zameer Ahmed Syed.

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  • Jul 18th, 2006


The original question was "who is responsible to check other pages Developer or Tester ?". The answer to this in one word is Both.

My take on this is the Developer is responsible to open up his brains when such a bug is reported and apply the fix where ever he sees the issue apart from teh pages as reported in the bug. A tester may fail to report this out for a particular page. Although, a developer can't be held responsible for not fixing on a page which was not reported.

The tester in turn needs to take extra precautions while verifying that the fix is consistent across, and if not open another defect for the same.

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  • Jul 29th, 2007

Yes, Tester is Responsible

Tester has to mention the bug description clearly and has to specy to each and every screen name. That would help the developer to fix it in all the screens

While testing the bug after fix, note down all the screen names in a word or text pad and  mark them screen names as done where ever the error fixed. and reassign the bug to the developer by mentioning the rest of the screens need s to be fixed

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  • May 22nd, 2008

Yes, Tester is Responsible

Well, if the problem is occuring on all 12 or say 20 pages tester can put a note in the defect saying that this issue persists on all screens. But before that tester must be sure of it.

I hop this is understandable.


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  • Aug 4th, 2008

Yes I do agree with Pankaja.
Both are responsible.

Tester should have given the list or the names of all screens saying error occurs in these pages.

On the other hand, as the tester had mentioned that error appears in most of the pages, developer should have taken some trouble (he knows where the similar error giving code appears) to check where else the same problem occurs.

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If a defect is raised, then it is the responsibility of tester to close that

Coming to your question, first you have mentioned "in the bug tracking
system included that this bug remains in the most of the pages

While raising the defect we have to give the HINT by mention the details of
all the pages in which defect is available, simply we cannot say in most of the
pages and give one page details.

If we are clear about the defect's multiple occurrence, for developer it will
be easy to reproduce it and he can fix that defect. in next build If still
defect is not fixed in all pages then we RE-OPEN the defect by mentioning that
defect is not fixed in all the pages and this process will continue till the bug
is fixed and we testers are not responsible for such mistakes made by developer,
but if we are not clear about the defect’s multiple occurrence in the defect
management tool, and developer has fixed the defect in only one page then it is
Tester responsibility.

Please correct me if I am wrong

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If tester founds an issue and it's exists in remaining 19 pages, it's not required to log total 20 issues, we can log it as one issue and will mention that the issue was exists in remaining all 19 pages.

Next fixation is the developers responcibility, if he fixed in one page then the tester will Re-open it.


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If the tester knew the defects existed on other pages and that a fix on the reported page would not fix corresponding defects on the other pages, then what we have here is a problem in the test process. Test management should make it very clear that developer resources are best spent on coding and testing their code, not rummaging through applications to determine where there MIGHT be a defect. Why should a developer perform the tester's role?  Of course it is the tester's responsibility to report the remaining pages.  In fact, the tester should identify each and every page that contained the similar defect and this information should be entered in the same defect report.  This is the most efficient and cost-effective course of action, and this is what should have been done in the first place.

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