Can you tell some body how to test a situation that to sell a share if it reach 30(present value is 25) and the time limit is 120 days. Every day the market starts from 10 A.M to 3 P.M. it may execute any time with in the time period. Pls tell me the answer.

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Write a programme that adds 120 days in the requested date. then write another programme and call your previous programme in it, and check if the AddedDate is greater than the current date(System Date), and share price is 30, sell the share. Another condition: if AddedDate is less than the CurrentDate, then deny the transaction.

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1. Need to check whether the amount exists in the account for the Quantity of
shares we are going to buy.

2. Need to select the exchange (NSE/BSE) for which we are going to buy a share

3. Need to check whether there is any offering quantity or not?

4. If offering quantity is there then user can place an order

5. Orders can be different types (Ex: Market Order and limit order)

     a.) Market order means: If we place an order for market
price, then it will execute for the price at that time.

     b.) Limit order means: If we place an order for a
particular price, then it will execute only if it reaches that price.

6. All these transactions and orders will be stored in the trading application
as well in the stock exchange.

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  • Aug 31st, 2009

There are three factors here,

(i)The share value
(ii)The day limit (120 days)
(iii)The market time limit (10 AM to 3 PM)

So 2^3 = 8 test conditions are applicable

In the following table 0 represents -ve and 1 represents +ve situation

0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1

Only the last case, where the share value is 30 and market time is between 10 & 3 pm and day limit within 120 days passes=> the share can be sold automatically.

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