Difference between beta testing and UAT?

Questions by mrgreekgod   answers by mrgreekgod

Showing Answers 1 - 17 of 17 Answers

Leena Saraf

  • May 17th, 2006

In software development, user acceptance testing (UAT) - also called beta testing, application testing, and end User  testing - software is tested in the real world scenario.It is one and the same only different terminologies used.

I has been done by testers with  direct participation  of end users  or atleast keeping them as audience.

The final part of the UAT can also include a Parallel RUN to prove the system against the current system.

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  • May 17th, 2006

what is sanity testing? explain me in brief?

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  • May 17th, 2006

beta testing is a part of UAT.User Acceptance testing is used to collect the feedback on our build after completion of system testing.In this testing, we have two types of testings. They are1. alpha testing2. beta testingalpha testing is done at lab and is used for software applications. In this testing customer comes to company and use the build as per requirements and give the feed back .In beta testing , test team goes to model customer site and give demonstration on that build ,after that the model customer is going to give feedback.

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  • May 19th, 2006

after getting new build we to test the functionality.if you find any bug till you got the solution for that bug , we have to be in that screen onely.before sending this screen to further testing.

defination:this is used to test the functionality of the new build.All test cases should be passed before sending this screen to further testing. 

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  • May 20th, 2006

sanity testing i testing the application in step by step procedure

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  • May 22nd, 2006

Sanity Testing: Sanity testing is the  basic testing(Primery testing) conduct to check the bare minimum functionality, before going to indepth testing of  the application.Suppose take an exemple of a byke. sanity testing means check whether the byke is running or not. then go for the other testing.

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  • May 22nd, 2006

Sanity Testing(Smoke Testing):-  This is the initial testing performed when a new build is evaluated in order to check out whether the build is ready for further major testing.



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Ravi Sharma

  • Jun 6th, 2006


Beta Testing - When a system is tested after complettion. For an example you can see "gmail.com" where it is menstioned "Beta". It is done for the Products.

UAT - User acceptance testing is done by the users of an application before the full realese of application.

Alpha Testing - Same like UAT but it is done with the Products.

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  • Jun 8th, 2006

Sanity Testing is Click testing and of the system to see if all the basic functionality is working properly and if the system is performing as expected, it will be done only once after the application is released to testing team in first cycle.

Smoke Testing is similar to Sanity testing except is will be done in each system testing cycle.

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  • Jan 17th, 2007

sanity testing is used to test major funcionalities

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Sanity testign focuses on the basic functionality of the software/product.

Sanity is performed on a software version before it is released to the testing team.

If the software fails at the sanity level  it wont be released.

For example if u are testing a mobile phone the basic sanity test suite includes the following:
power up and power off

able to make calls

able to receive calls

able to charge

able to send sms  e.t.c


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  • Sep 2nd, 2009

Beta testing - For Software products (for multiple clients - for unlimited audience)
UAT - For software PROJECTS (Bespoke software - for specific organization - for limited audience)

In other words Beta testing is a form of UAT for software product. (Not 100 % true, sometimes, customers will do pilot testing (after buying evaluation copy) - that is the true UAT for products).

UAT in other words is for limited audience done by Business Analysts or end users or subject matter experts - for their organization.


Beta Testing - For MS Office
UAT - For a ERP system specifically developed/customized for a Logistics company

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  • Aug 24th, 2011

generally smoke testing and sanity testing are same terminology but the
understanding of the terms varies from company to company.
Sanity testing is called depth wise testing that means only one functionality
is pick up from many and deeply tested on that particular module. where as in smoke testing
we pick some basic functionalities from different modules and test it.

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