What is CCB?

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  • Dec 16th, 2006

It is nothing but Command Control block.

sudhakar kolla,

Email ID:kollasudhakar2005@yahoo.co.in.


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CCB - Change Control Board.

It is this team that oversees, gives approval for, and follows up on changes. They develop change procedures and the formats for change request forms. To make a change, a change request form must be prepared by the requester and submitted to the board. It then reviews and approves/Disapproves. Only approved changes can take place.

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  • Dec 22nd, 2006

Change control board.When we do the analysis of requirements and document what ever is feasible in SRS and after SRS become the base line where no changes will be no changes. If you want to have some chages in any phase of devlopment cycle, you have to get the approval from a particular team. That team is know as change control board. If i am wrong please let me know

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  • Feb 9th, 2007

CCB ~ Change Control Board. The main aim of this board is to maintain and keep a track of all the information about the builds/docs/versions/source code. Any changes/modifications which you want to modify to the same builds/docs/versions/source code then request the CCB about the same. They will go through with your request and decide to what extent the change is useful.. If they feel the change gives improved builds/docs/versions/source code then then they modify and then that modified builds/docs/versions/source code is accessed.

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