Hey All!Can anybody please tell me the test methodology for testing BO Universes?("Tools-->Check Integrity" option is fine, I am looking for in-depth solution.)Thanks & Regards,Pat.

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chandra sekhar

  • Jun 12th, 2006

hi verdana,

This is chandra sekhar.M

integrity check only for testing for unvierses.

whether the loops exits,cordinality is correct and alias and context.

before running the report every unvierse undergo with this test.

i think this is correct solution for your quire.


chandra sekhar.M

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Hi Chandra,

I'm Patrick not Verdana:) never mind. Actually, I wanted to design a Test Plan for Universe testing. Something similar to any other s/w application tesing plan. for that I wanted to know if someone is using any standerd methodology in aspect of Quality Assurance & Control.

never mind, thanks a lot for your contribution.



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  • Mar 12th, 2007

Hi Pat,

 Testing a universe based on user requirements is possible.

1. Make sure that the universe is pointing to the correct repository
2. Universe is locked/unlocked depending on the requirement. If it is locked noone else can modify and if more than one person is working on the universe,there is no point in locking as the second person's effort can go waste.
3.Make sure that there are no loops and whether all the cardinalities are set.
4.Contexts are defined properly w.r.t the requirement
5. Please generate a test report by dragging objects from different classes. You can identify if there is any incompatibility/cartesian products coming up.

I cant think of anything else for the time being. Hope this will help you. and ofcourse integrity check is always there :))

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  • Mar 12th, 2007

Hi Pat,
1. Make sure the universe is pointing to the correct repository
2. Make sure that the Universe is locked/unlocked depending on whether you want to give the privilage to others to modify the universe. If it is locked and more than one universe developer is involved,his efforts can go waste.
3. Make sure that no loops are present.
4.Make sure that all the cardinalities are set and required contexts defined.
5.After everything is done,prepare a test reports based on the universe. Take some objects from all the classes and run the report. Make sure that you wnt get any cartesian product.
6. If you dnt want duplicate rows,check the option dnt retrieve duplicates in universe.

These are the points i can remember. And always the check integrity option is available for a quick check :))
Hope this is useful for u.

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  • Mar 14th, 2007

u r welcome Pat ;)).. if u have any queries in bo designer or reporter,u can always count on me.

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