What's is the Guidelines to Build Universe with Better Performance? R Performance tuning Issues of Universes?

Questions by narendra_tatineni

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Apr 30th, 2006

Guidelines are provided in the Universe guide:

Here is the Summary:

1) Modify the array fetch size in SBO file

2) Assign table weights and change the default order of the tables in a query by changing parameter in PRM file

3) Use shorcut joins to avoid unnecessary tables that may come in Query

4) Use aggregated tables




  • May 11th, 2006

adding to the answer is

1. see that ur desgin schema is not having any loops,cartesain products,fan traps,chasm traps etc that will give u the wrong data and the performance might be a problem is those cases.


  • Feb 16th, 2007

I agreed with Ravi what he said except his 4th point. Short cut join privide shortest path and and gives result in shortest time but Business Objects itself suggest using shortcut join is not good practice.


  • Aug 7th, 2007

To enhance the performance of the universe, we have to do the following:

1) Keep universe light,
2) Deselect multiple SQL statements for each measure options,
3) Try to avoid outer joins,
4) Use off-line mode if possible,
5) Remove unnecessary list of values
6) Use aggregations if possible and
7) Take off all variables and objects.


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