Exact difference between alpha and beta testing

Questions by amit_gandhi.

Showing Answers 1 - 25 of 25 Answers

Swapna Sai

  • Apr 9th, 2006

Typically Software goes through 2 stages:

1) Alpa Testing

2)Beta Testing

Alpha Testing: Testing a software product which is not the final version.This software does not have to necessarily contain the full functionality required for an appliation, however core functionality to accept input an generate output is required.

Beta Testing: Beta Testing  is last stage of testing where a product is sent outside the company or offer the product for free trial download.

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  • Apr 12th, 2006

hi all,

alpha and beta are two different sides of acceptance testing.

during acceptance testing the final testing is to be done by the developement team and then by the client side people.

when it is done by the developement team it is called alpha testing and when by the client side people it is called beta testing.

i hope it satisfies u.

thank you 


  • Apr 16th, 2006

Alpha-Testing: Beta_Testing1) conducted by a Specific customer 1)conducted by customer live people2)Conducted in Virtual environment 2)Conducted in Real time environment 3)Conducted for Application 3)conducted for products.kittu krichow@rediffmail.com

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  • Apr 18th, 2006

Alpha Test                                      Beta Test


For S/w Application                     For S/w Product


By customer site people               By customer site like people


In development site                      In customer side environment


Virtual environment                      Real Time Environment

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shyam prasad

  • Apr 21st, 2006

Alpha testing is a testing which is done in the companies premises

Beta testing is done at clients place.

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  • Apr 26th, 2006

alpha testing:alpha testing is done by client side people  in development environment..

beta testing:testing  is done by client side people in real time enviornment....

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  • Oct 27th, 2006

wat's alpha and beta testing


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  • Jan 26th, 2007

Alpha testingIs an acceptance test that occurs at the development site as opposed to a customer site.Beta testingIs an acceptance test conducted at a customer site. So the main difference appears to be when we talk about the testing environment.

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  • Mar 8th, 2007

See Alpha testing is testing of the application in developers place normaly done by developer(Debuging) and testers. Here virtual environment will be created to simulate real time environment.
Where as in Beta testing, testing will be conducted at client's place by few or more clients with the trail version of the application, where final defects will be identified before actual release.

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Alpha Testing

The first 3 levels of testing i.e Unit Testing , Integration Testing & System Testing is known as Alpha testing. It is done at SDU's  (Software Development Unit)  site.

Beta Testing:

Once the client accept the product then the test  is done by the client is known as Beta Testing. It is done at client site.

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  • Nov 25th, 2009

Alpha Testing is done in the clients place

Beta Testing is done by selective group of users (Normal Users)
For ex: Apps like Yahoo messenger, Firefox releases its beta version to users and get their feedback.

(You might have noted Stable versions have Even ending number (ex: 1.8.2) and Beta versions have Odd ending number (ex: 1.8.3))

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Ravi Giri

  • Feb 3rd, 2014

Alpha Test

In software development, your alpha test, will be a test among yourselves (the teams) to confirm that your product works. Originally, the term alpha test meant the first phase of testing in a software development process. The first phase includes unit testing, component testing, and system testing. During this time you will compress files, edit for misspelled words and unclear directions, broken links, and sync audio and video. You will also test your product on the lowest common denominator machines to make sure download times are acceptable and preloaders work.

Beta Test

In software development, a beta test is the second phase of software testing in which a sampling of the intended audience tries the product out. Beta testing can be considered "pre-release testing." Beta test versions of software are now distributed to curriculum specialists and teachers to give the program a "real-world" test and partly to provide a preview of the next release.

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  • Jun 9th, 2014

Alpha Testing in other words is called as acceptance testing is the final stage of testing doe by the developers before delivering the product to the client

Beta Testing-is the testing done by the client before they give the product for users.

Usually they conduct Beta testing with some selected users to find the defects.

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  • Aug 26th, 2014

Alpha testing is done at Developers side where as in beta testing actual testing is carried out.

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  • Dec 4th, 2014

alpha testing :::::: pre release testing by end user representatives at the developer site

beta testing:::::::::testing performed by potential customers at their own location

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  • Jun 7th, 2017

Alpha testing takes place at the developers site by the internal teams, before release to external customers. This testing is performed without the involvement of the development teams.

Beta testing also known as user testing takes place at the end users site by the end users to validate the usability, functionality, compatibility, and reliability testing.

Beta testing adds value to the software development life cycle as it allows the "real" customer an opportunity to provide inputs into the design, functionality, and usability of a product.

Beta testing also known as user testing takes place at the end users site by the end users to validate the usability, functionality, compatibility, and reliability testing.

Beta testing adds value to the software development life cycle as it allows the "real" customer an opportunity to provide inputs into the design, functionality, and usability of a product.

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