What is RTM? How is it useful in testing?

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  • May 4th, 2006

RTM - REquirement Tracability Matrix

In testing this is the main part, this matrix will help to crosscheck whether the test cases as covered all the requirement specifications.


the RTM(Requirements Trace Matrix ) is used as a test planning tool to help determine how many tests are required, what types of tests are required, whether tests can be automated or manual, and if any existing tests can be re-used. Using the RTM in this way helps ensure that the resulting tests are most effective.

The RTM can serve many purposes over the course of a development project. Initially, it can be used as a planning tool (as illustrated above). Once the tests are developed and Validation Testing has begun, the RTM can be used to help determine the extent of regression test required based on the relationship be requirements, design, code, and tests as illustrated below.

When it becomes necessary to perform regression testing, the accurate information included in the RTM will be invaluable in helping to select a reasonable set of tests to run.

The RTM can also be used to help analyze the existing test suite.

With Regards



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  • May 5th, 2006

RTM--> Realize to module, before going to the market, once again we can test into the main functionality

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  • May 8th, 2006

Requirement traceability Matrix is the document which co-relates the requirements with test cases.It can be used to asses test coverage. to determine whether we tested all the requirements. It can be used more as a management tools not Planning tool. Usually PM/TL will prepare the document


  • May 10th, 2006

Typically in testing situation , traceability matrix is used to map the requirments with the testcases in order to ensure that there are test cases for all the requirments. 

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praveen reddy

  • Apr 16th, 2007

RTM - Requirement Traceability Matrix   ,mapping the requirements with the functional validation  is called   R  T  M

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Tracebility Matrix means it provide mapping between user requirements ansd the test cases.Main Advantage is if we missed any test cases for the requirements at that time we can find out easy for what test cases missed for the what functionality by preparing the tracebility matrix.

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As per my knowledge RTM ie prepared before the completion of testing because RTM help you to keep track of the test cases coverage at each level of testing. by which we can understand how many fields we required for the testing.

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  • Mar 28th, 2013

RTM maps requirements with test case ids.

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Sachit Naik

  • Oct 27th, 2014

RTM is a very useful Document in Testing and TLC as it helps to track the project progress and covering all the paths of the project described in SRS. not only Test cases but we can mention the Project details and understanding of the project from SRS also.

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  • Nov 28th, 2014

RTM is a matrix created at the start of project as it forms the basis of scope of testing. It is used to ensure that all the requirements are covered by mapping them to their associated test cases. Also, it is useful calculate the test coverage.

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Satish Kuma V

  • Aug 29th, 2016

Resource Track Monitoring.

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  • Mar 21st, 2017

Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) captures all requirements proposed by client or development team. Used to check all testcases are covered, so that no functionality should miss.

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Payal ugale

  • Jun 10th, 2017

RTM is a requirement traceability matrix it traces the each and every deliverable right from the incitiation to the final stage

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