How to test a DTS package created for data insert update and delete? What should be considered in the above case while testing it?What conditions are to be checked if the data is inserted, updated or deleted using a text files?

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  • Mar 17th, 2008

Well DTS which we call it as a data transformation service will be used only for the insertion i believe other than delete and update,
specially during transformation from text file (source) to the the database table (destination). Correct me if am wrong!

Here you need to check the following details:

Lets say the source is
Microsoft Excel than
1. Check all excel columns with data and delete all rows and columns apart from data selected area once before import. (it will avoid column with data (spaces) while mapping).
2. Check the format of each column in the excel which considers for the
table design in the destination table.
3. Check whether the source and destination fields are all valid and same.
4. Check the count of rows available in excel has been completely
transform without fail by selecting the row count of destination table, In the same way do the check for column as well.
5. Check the format of each field imported in the destination table with Excel columns.

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